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Injection Mold

In modern industrial production, mold is an important technology used in shaping products (including metal products and nonmetal products) for all of the industries. Meanwhile, it is the ‘magnifying glass of efficiency and profit’ to the raw material and equipment, because the value of the final product made in the mold is often tens of, even hundreds of times as valuable as that of the mold itself.

The mold industry is the basic industry of the national economy, and it is called ‘the mother of industry’. Every aspect of human life such as clothes, food, housing, and transportation is closely connected with the mold industry. Therefore, the level of injection mold technology has been a significant symbol to measure a country’s developing level of mechanical industry.

And mold can be divided into two kinds of them: mold for metal products and nonmetal products.
The metal products mold include cold-press mold, pressing mold, forging mold, press casting mold, precise casting mold, stamping tool, punch tool, and dust metallurgy mold, etc. These kinds of mold have extensive apply-cation in electrode-cranial products, automobiles, aviation instruments, and other metal products.
The nonmetal products include plastic injection mold, ceramic mold, rubber mold, glass mold, food mold, and ornament mold. These kinds of molds have extensive apply cation in our lives, at this page we are talking about injection mold. this is the most papular modern technology which used in our life everywhere.

An injection mold used to form a plastic product using the injection molding process. A standard injection mould is made of a stationary or injection side containing one or more cavities and a moving or ejection side.

The resin, or raw material for injection moulding, is usually in pellet form and is melted by heat and shearing forces shortly before being injected into the mould. The channels through which the plastic flows toward the chamber will also solidify, forming an attached frame. This frame is composed of the sprue, which is the main channel from the reservoir of molten resin, parallel with the direction of the nozzle, and runners, which are perpendicular to the direction of the nozzle and are used to convey molten resin to the gate(s), or point(s) of the gate and feeding the molten material into the mold cavity. The sprue and runner system can be cut off and recycled after molding. Some moulds are designed such that it is automatically stripped from the part through the action of the mould. For example, the submarine gate or banana gate, if using hot runner systems then there will be no runners.

The quality of the injection molded part depends on the quality of the mould, the care taken during the moulding process, and upon details of the design of the part itself. It is essential that the molten resin is at just the right pressure and temperature so that it flows easily to all parts of the mold. The parts of the injection mold must also come together extremely precisely, otherwise small leakages of molten plastic can form, a phenomenon known as flash. When filling a new or unfamiliar mould for the first time, where shot size for that particular mould is unknown, a technician should reduce the nozzle pressure so that the mold fills, but does not flash. Then, using that now-known shot volume, pressure can be raised without fear of damaging the mould. Sometimes factors such as venting, temperature, and resin moisture content, can affect the formation of flash as well.

Injection Mold Material

Traditionally, molds have been very expensive to manufacture therefore they were usually only used in mass production where thousands of parts are being produced. Injection Molds are typically constructed from hardened steel or aluminum. The choice of material to build a mold is primarily one of economics. Steel molds generally cost more to construct, but their longer lifespan will offset the higher initial cost over a higher number of parts made in the mold before wearing out. Aluminum molds can cost substantially less, and when designed and machined with modern computerized equipment, can be economical for moulding hundreds or even tens of parts.

Requirements for the injection mold

ejection system

An ejection system is needed to eject the molded part from the cavity at the end of the molding cycle. Ejector pins built into the moving half of the mold usually accomplish this function. The cavity is divided between the two mold halves in such a way that the natural shrinkage of the molding causes the part to stick to the moving half. When the mold opens, the ejector pins push the part out of the mold cavity.

cooling system

A cooling system is required for the mold. This consists of an external pump connected to passageways in the mold, through which water is circulated to remove heat from the hot plastic. Air must be evacuated from the mold cavity as the polymer rushes in. Much of the air passes through the small ejector pin clearances in the mold. In addition, narrow air vents are often machined into the parting surface; only about 0.03 mm (0.001 in.) deep and 12 to 25 mm (0.5 to 1.0 in.) wide, these channels permit air to escape to the outside but are too small for the viscous polymer melt to flow through.

Use of plastic injection molding

Plastic injection molding is the most common and widely used method for the mass production of plastic products around the world because of its convenience and ease of use. Plastic products made using this method include plastic chairs and tables, electronic product covers, disposable spoons and knives, and other cutlery products.

History of injection molding

Plastic injection molding was started by European and American chemists who were experimenting with plastics. Originally done manually and pushed into the mold using Parkesine, it turned out to be too brittle and flammable. John Wesley Hyatt is the official inventor of plastic injection molding, and this process has a rich history with a brilliant spirit.

Injection molding was originally invented to solve the problems that billiard players face abundantly. The 19th-century billiard balls were made of ivory derived from tusks taken from elephants. Celluloid was one of the first plastics used to make billiard balls.

Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic Injection Molding

Instructions for the procedure

The scientific procedure used to produce plastic products by applying injection molding is very simple. Your plastic melts and is put into a huge syringe. It is then placed in a suitably shaped mold depending on the product being manufactured and allowed to cool for a sufficient amount of time to reach the desired shape. However, the actual process of actual injection molding is not so simple and can be broadly divided into three subdivisions: injection unit, molding section and finally clamp. The plastic pellets are gradually liquefied and gradually injected into the injection unit through a tunnel that is completely melted until it reaches the front of the barrel. When it reaches the mold, it cools and hardens to the desired fixed shape. The mold will then return to the original machine position.

All injection molded parts start with plastic pellets with a diameter of a few millimeters. They can be mixed with certain limited amounts of pigments called “colorants” or up to 15% recycled material. The mixture is then fed into an injection molding machine. Early molding units used a plunger to push down from above. However, the outer area was hot or cold and the melting process did not work properly. The solution to this was a reciprocating screw. This was often seen as the most important contribution that was none other than a revolution in the plastic product manufacturing industry. The screws cause the shear stress necessary to melt the plastic, and the rest of the heat comes from the traditional heater band that surrounds the machine. When molten plastic is injected into the mold, the air is released through the sideways vents. The honey viscosity plastic is so thick that it cannot be released from these vents, which are only a few microns wide.

Engraving witness marks on plastic products is also an important part of marketing. This is because we need to be able to authenticate and verify the authenticity of the product by looking for a line separate from the witness mark. These are created using removable inserts and can prove very helpful in tracking defects.

If you are looking for injection mould and injection molding parts?

You are welcome to send us your requirement for quote, you will have our competitive price within two working days.

If you have injection mold technical question?

You are welcome to contact our technical Manager to solve your technical issue by

We have over 15 year working experience with 15 years skilled technical English communication.

Your project will be successful with our supporting, we guarantee your satisfaction.

What are you waiting for? Contact with us you will not lose anything buy have your technical issue solved.

Injection Mould China for your market

When it comes to injection mold manufacturers china, there are a number of misconceptions that people typically have. One of the biggest misconceptions is the sense that an operation that is being conducted in China is one that is largely unreliable. This cannot be further from the truth. In fact, this is an extremely reliable operation that is based in China and is turning out products that are of high quality. In order to fully understand this, it is equally important to understand the history of this type of operation as well as its current status.

Injection mold china

Injection mold china

What makes this particular operation better than those that have come before it? In the past, the the hallmark of operations of this type were that quality was sometimes not consistent and sometimes quality barely existed at all. This is especially true of some of the operations that were conducted in China. As a result, people started to have their fair share of doubts about whether or not plastic mould injection operations within the country of China could produce products of reasonable quality. Fast forward to today and those questions have been answered.

In truth, today’s operation is quite reliable and very successful. The reliability issues have been successfully put aside and any questions about quality have them put to rest long ago. Today’s operation distributes products to multiple international customers and is able to produce virtually any type of moulded plastic product for any use. The entire system utilizes a state of the art process, using the latest software to design the products that are ordered and then mass produce them as quickly and efficiently as possible. All of this is done without compromising quality in any way, shape or form.

The best part about it all is that the mistakes that were made throughout the early history of such operations has been taken into account in order to ensure that those types of issues do not happen when products are produced today. In fact, there are more than 15 years worth of operations from which to gain experience and perfect the way that everything is handled ranging from the way that orders are taken to the way that they are produced and shipped out. The fact that software is used to create virtually any type of product minimizes the chances for errors and allows everything to move along very rapidly. The end result is that the only limitation on the types of products that can be produced is the imagination of the individual who is ordering the product in the first place.

In addition, each product gets its own project manager and everything can be produced at a cost that is more than reasonable. This helps to proliferate these types of operations and even though the system is based in China, high quality products are produced each and every day which are then shipped out to locations all over the world. Imagine virtually any plastic mold part such as those parts used for calculators, DVD players or printers, and they can probably be traced directly back to operations of this type. Without them, it would be virtually impossible to operate in the world the way it is understood today.

Why Choose China Plastic Injection Molding Service?

China is well known as a manufacturing center and as an exporter of plastic products. Chinese plastic injection molding manufacturers guarantee high-quality products that are reliable and long-lasting, there are many plastic molding companies in China, it is a headache for you to find a right China mold maker from that huge resource, Sincere Tech is one of the top ten best plastic mold and molding companies in China, we offer you the 100% satisfied quality and service, go to our home page by to know more.

All of the information we referred from Wikipedia, but we sort out together for easy to read, if you want to know more, please go to injection mold Wikipedia.

If you want to know more information about products made from injection mold china company? You are welcome go to our home page to know more, or send us email,we will reply you with 24 hours.


injection molding wall thickness

What is Custom injection molding?

The first question that comes to mind on hearing is what is Custom injection molding?

Custom injection molding refers to the making of plastic parts for specific applications i.e. customizing the plastic injection components as per the customer’s requirements.

Customized injection molding parts

Injection molding is a process in which plastic pellets are melted and injected under high pressure into a mold cavity. The molded parts are then ejected, and the process repeated. The finished products can then be used as is, or as a component of other products. To do so requires an injection molding machine and tooling (often called a mold or die). The molding machine consists of a clamping unit to open and close the mold automatically, and an injection unit to heat and inject the material into the closed mold.

Injection molding utilizes very high pressures and typically the machine is hydraulic or, increasingly, electric. Tooling for production injection molding applications must be able to survive under high pressure and is made from steel or aluminum. The potential high cost of tooling often drives the economics of a plastic molding application. Injection molding is an effective way to make custom parts.

Bascially, most of injection molding parts are customized injection mold, because every single design need its own custom injection mold, onless you buy the ready parts from the market, otherwise you need to make your own custom injection mold for your customized design.

Custom Injection Molding

Injection Molding Process:Plastic Processing, Make Parts From Plastic Material

Finding the right source for your injection molded thermoplastic parts is as easy as selecting DONGGUAN SINCERE TECH CO.LTD. With SINERE TECH, you are guaranteed professional quality assurance standards, the latest in technological equipment, and innovative, cost-efficient manufacturing techniques.

Injection Molding Process: A Brief Description

There are three main components in the injection molding process. The injection apparatus itself which melts and then transmits the plastic, the mold, which is custom designed, and clamping to provide controlled pressure. The plastic mold is a specially designed tool with a base and one or more cavities that will eventually be filled with resin. The injection unit melts the plastic granules and then injects them into the mold by either a reciprocating screw or a ram injector.

The reciprocating screw offers the ability to inject smaller amounts of resin in the total shots, which is better for producing smaller parts. After injection, the mold is cooled constantly until the resin reaches a temperature that allows it to solidify.

Complications with Injection Molding

Injection molding complications are few and can be easily avoided by paying close attention to the design of the plastic mold, the process itself and caring for your equipment. Parts can be burned or scorched when the temperature is too high, which is sometimes caused by the length of the cycle time which may be too long. This causes the resin to overheat. Warping of parts happens when there is an uneven surface temperature for the molds.

Surface imperfections (commonly known as bubbles) happen when the melt temperature is too high, which causes the resin to break down and produce gas. This can also be caused by moisture in the resin. Another complication is incomplete cavity filling, which occurs when there isn’t enough resin released into the mold or if the injection speed is too slow, which results in the resin freezing.

Running a Custom Injection Molding Business

Custom molding business is a competitive business and to survive you should find your niche market. Most custom molders in business today have found a niche. Through experience, the molder became good at molding a particular type of part or at molding a particular kind of material, or in working in a specific segment of the marketplace. In other words, he acquired an expertise and stuck with it.

Thermoplastic injection molding is the most widely used of all plastic processing methods. Injection molding is a manufacturing technique for making parts from plastic material. Molten plastic is injected at high pressure into a mold, which is the inverse of the desired shape.

Thermoplastics are those which, once formed, can be heated and reformed over and over again.

PP injection molding

PP injection molding

The mold is made from metal, usually either steel or aluminum, and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part. SINCERE TECH provides the highest quality economical plastic molds available today, with less moving parts to reduce maintenance and repair costs.

The injection molding machine reduces pelletized resins and coloring agents into a hot liquid. This slurry, or “melt”, is forced into a cooled mold under tremendous pressure. After the material solidifies, the mold is unclamped and a finished part is ejected.

An injection-molding machine performs the entire process of plastic molding.  These machines serve to both heat the plastic material and form it.  Using different molds the shape of the produced components may be changed.

Injection molding machines have two basic parts, the injection unit, which melts the plastic and then injects or moves it into the mold, and the clamping unit, which holds the mold shut during filling. The unit clamps the mold in a closed position during injection, opens the mold after cooling, and ejects the finished part.

Custom Injection Molded Plastic Parts:

High-Quality Parts, Guaranteed to Specification, Extended Warranty, Retain Mold Integrity, Advanced Design, Quality Assurance

Finding the right source for your custom molded plastic products is as easy as selecting One of top 10 mold manufacturers in China that services custom injection mold and plastic molded parts to the world.

With SINCERE TECH, you are guaranteed professional quality assurance standards, the latest in technological equipment, and innovative, cost-efficient manufacturing techniques.

Custom Injection Molding Parts: SINCERE TECCH’s Advantage

The injection molding process offers the lowest piece prices available, but tooling (plastic mold making) prices are generally the highest.  That is why we need to make all of the molds in-house to create top quality plastic mold and the lowest price for our customers, our mold cost as low as $500. contact to get price for your own custom injection mold.

And they stand behind their word. They offer their customers the option of joining their Extended Warranty Program guaranteeing the plastic mold we design and builds for you will retain its integrity throughout a specific number of cycles, if we store the molds for you we will do the free mold maintenance for you.

Custom Injection Molding

injection molded plastic parts

For more information, see the home page.

Customized Injection Molded Applications

Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest component to entire body panels of cars. It is the most common method of production, with some commonly made items including bottle caps and outdoor furniture.

We have the ability to produce a wide variety of custom injection molding parts and components, for industries of all types, including:

  • Connectors
  • Wire Shields
  • Vials
  • Cases
  • Switches
  • Housings
  • Face Plates
  • Toys
  • Bezels
  • Push Buttons
  • Knobs
  • Light Pipes
  • Shields
  • Computer Peripherals
  • Phone Parts
  • Gears
  • Typewriter Parts
  • Window Lift Parts
  • Fuse Blocks
  • Wedges
  • Trim Plates
  • DVD Brackets
  • Faucet Extrusions
  • A / C Vents
  • Gear Shift Knobs
  • Tail Lamp Sockets
  • Blood Testers
  • Boat Parts
  • Name Plates
  • Buckles
  • Bottle Ties
  • Component Boxes
  • Spools
  • Bobbins
  • Seat Belt Parts
  • Spacers
  • Lenses
  • Vents
  • Clips
  • Flower Pot Bases
  • Actuators
  • Radiator Tops
  • Junction
  • Boxes
  • Motor Housings
  • Key Fobs
  • Cosmetic Packaging

To provide the best process for your project, you are welcome to send us email, we will offer you the best solution for your project.

TPE injection moulding

Plastic Injection molding China

We have over 15 years of experience in offering high quality plastic injection mold and plastic Injection molding production  in different shapes and sizes.

We have a team that supports you from part design, mold making and massive production.

To save your cost we provide professional technical expertise and advice to enable you to decide the kind of mold that suit your product.

Over the years we have been able to deliver high quality services with guaranteed satisfaction and we hope to deliver same to you.

Send us your requirement for quotation we will quote you within 24 hours.

What is plastic Injection Molding

Plastic Injection molding can be defined as a procedure, which can help in shaping plastic, in its requisite fold. Moreover, for the better shape, you might want to take help of rigid mold or frame. This technique can also be used to deal with the objective creations, associated with the various shapes and sizes. Moreover, the products comprise of both highly and simple designs. On the other hand, some companies can even offer complex designs, to match the growing demands of the clients.

Plastic molding process

For the primary step, you need to go through the plates of sheets, where the liquid material will be placed. The high melting point is used to deal with the right melting the plastic or other raw materials. After placing the liquid in the structure, high pressure is incorporated from outside, for availing the right shape of the dice. After a mold is cooled down completely, you can remove the molded parts and use for the final manufacturing services. However, you need to determine the material’s amount along with minimum energy requirement, associated with the heated melting point.

Underlying concept available

When you are Looking for China Injection Molding Companies, you are easily to get hold of correct underlying concept, associated with the plastic injection molding . The main aim is to take a look at the dice first, to produce the exact shape, as per the requirements. To match up with the growing demands of clients

injection molding machine

injection molding machine

More on injection molding

Whenever the main area relates to injection molding service, you are in urgent need of the mold cavity. After cooling down the product, the mold can be removed from this place, with ease. This procedure of plastic mold China is primarily associated with the prototyping or mass production service, of the related products. The first use of this procedure can be observed in the year 1930’s. From that time on wards, various advancements make this product a leading choice for all. This method can be used for manufacturing various objects, like bottle caps,automotive parts, utensils for the kitchen, cell phone stands and more.

Most polymers can be used in the process, and products produced by injection molding include bottle lids, plastic combs, small pieces of furniture and even car door panels. Essentially, the injection moulding process involves feeding plastic polymers in a pelletized form through a hopper into a chamber.

Injection molding process

injection molding process

As the material passes through the chamber a rotating screw mixes and melts the material. Once sufficient molten plastic material has collected at the end of the chamber the screw acts as a plunger and the material is injected into a mold, usually made of metal. Molds are carefully designed to reflect the exact requirements of the product being produced. Finally, the plastic solidifies into a shape that has conformed to the shape of the mold. Once cooled slightly, sometimes a robotic arm is used to remove the molded components, but it is more common for the freshly-made items to drop out of the mold into a chute leading to a collection container.

Injection Molding & Injection Molding China

We are  one of top 10 mold manufacturers in China, professional in Injection mold and injection molding manufacturing, Sell plastic parts from China to the world, we have been provided with the best quality the over 40 happy customers which they are fully satisfied by our quality and service, you are welcome if you need our supporting, we sincerely hope we could service in the near future and you will be surely happy as same as our other happy customers.

A variety of commercial methods are used to produce thermoplastic plastic products. Each has its specific design requirements, as well as limitations. Usually, part design, size, and shape clearly determine the best process. Occasionally, the part concept lends itself to more than one process. Because product development differs depending upon the process, your design team must decide which process to pursue early in product development. This section briefly explains the common processes used for thermoplastics from Bayer Corporation. Injection Molding, today lots of companies buy molding parts from injection molding China companies, if you need injection molded parts for your business, you need really think about this.

An injection molding machine is used to manufacture plastic products by the injection molding process detailed above. There are two main parts to the machines – the injection unit and the clamping unit. Please go to our injection molding section area to know more information

Do you need injection molding or are you looking for injection mold china partner to make plastic molds and produce the plastic molded parts for you? Send us an email we will reply to you with two working days.

If you want to know more knowledge, please go to our other injection moulding page.


Injection molding company

We are one of the top 10 plastic injection molding companies in China that provides custom injection mould and injection moulding manufacturing services for a variety of plastic products around the world. We offer part design, mold design, PCB design, prototypes,  mold making, massive production, testing, certificates, painting, plating, silkscreening, printing, assembly, and delivery, all in one-stop services.

Do you know the name of the process by which most plastic-solid materials are produced? It is called injection moulding. It is one of the best molding processes to make millions of injection-molded parts in a very short time. However, the initial injection mold tooling cost is pretty high compared to other machining methods, but this injection tooling cost will be recovered by the large production later, and this process has a low or even no waste rate.

injection molding factory

What is injection molding

Injection molding (or injection moulding) is a manufacturing technology for producing products from plastics. Injecting the molten plastic resin at high pressure into an injection mould, which the mold is made according to the desired part shape, which was created by a designer using some CAD design software (such as UG, Solidworks, etc.).

The mould is made by a mold company (or mold maker) from metal material or aluminum and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part by some high-tech machines like CNC machines, EDM machines, lather machines, grinding machines, wire-cutting machines, etc., step by step to make the final mould cavity base on exactly the desired part shape and size, which we called an injection mold.

The injection moulding process is widely used for producing a variety of plastic products, from the smallest component to the big bumpers of cars. It is the most common technology to produce molding products in the world today, with some commonly made products including food containers, buckets, storage bins, house cooking equipment, outdoor furniture, automotive components, medical components, molding toys, and more.

Injection moulding

Types of Injection Moulding – Basically 7 types of injection molding process as below

Injection moulding equipment

Injection molding machine

Injection molding machines,  normally called injection presses, fasten our custom-made injection mold in the machine. The injection machine is rated by tonnage, which indicates the amount of clamping force that the press can generate. This clamping force keeps the mold closed during the injection molding process. There are various specifications for injection molding machines, from less than 5 tons to 6,000 tons or even bigger.

In general, the basic injection molding machine consists of a mold system, control system, injection system, hydraulic system, and Pinpin system. The tonnage clamp and shot size are used to identify the dimensions of a thermoplastic injection molding machine, which is a major factor in the overall process. Another consideration is the thickness of the mold, pressure, injection rate, the distance between the binding rod, and the screw design.

Injection molding service

Horizontal Injection-molding-machine

Horizontal or vertical machines

There are normally two types of injection molding machines: horizontal and vertical molding machines.

This means molding machines fasten the mold in either a horizontal or vertical position. The majority are horizontal injection molding machines, but vertical machines are used in some niche applications such as cable insert molding, filter injection moldinginsert molding, or some special molding process requirements.Some injection machines can produce two, three, or four colored molded parts at one step; we call them double-shot injection molding machines or 2K injection molding machines (more color will be 3K or 4K molding machines).

Clamping unit

Machines are classified primarily by the type of driving systems they use: hydraulic, electric, or hybrid. Hydraulic presses have historically been the only option available to molders until Nissei introduced the first all-electric machine in 1983. The electric press, also known as Electric Machine Technology (EMT), reduces operation costs by cutting energy consumption and also addresses some of the environmental concerns surrounding the hydraulic press.

Electric injectino molding presses have been shown to be quieter, faster, and have higher accuracy; however, the machines are more expensive. Hybrid injection molding machines take advantage of the best features of both hydraulic and electric systems. Hydraulic machines are the predominant type in most of the world, with the exception of Japan.

Final sumrize for injection molding machine: Injection molding machine converts raw plastic granules or granules into final mold parts using thermoplastic smelting, injection, conditioning, and cooling cycles.

Injection Mold- Types of injection molds

Simply explain that the injection mold is custom made of the desired part shape by cutting the steel or aluminum and producing the mold that can be used in the injection molding machine, which we called injection mold or plastic injection mold. Go to our plastic molding section to learn more about plastic injection mold manufacturing. But making injection mould actually not easy; you need to have a professional team (a mold maker, a mold designer) and mold manufacturing equipment like CNC machines, EDM machines, wire-cutting machines, etc.

There are two main types of injection moldscold runner mold (two plate and three plate designs) and hot runner molds (the more common of the runner-less molds). The significant difference is the presence of sprue and runner with every molded part in the cold runner type. This extra molded component must be separated from the desired molded par;, the hot runner basically does not have any runner wasteore small runner waste.

Cold runner mold

Developed to provide for injection of thermoset material either directly into the cavity or through sprue and a small sub-runner and gate into the mold cavity, there are basically two types of the cold runner which mostly used in the mold industry, two plate mold and Three plate mold.


Two plate mold

The conventional two-plate mold consists of two halves fastened to the two platens of the molding machine’s clamping unit. When the clamping unit is opened, the two mold halves open, as shown in (b). The most obvious feature of the mold is the cavity, which is usually formed by removing metal from the mating surfaces of the two halves. Molds can contain a single cavity or multiple cavities to produce more than one part in a single shot. The figure shows a mold with two cavities. The parting surfaces (or parting line in a cross-sectional view of the mold) are where the mold opens to remove the part(s).

In addition to the cavity, there are other features of the mold that serve indispensable functions during the molding cycle. The mold must have a distribution channel through which the polymer melt flows from the nozzle of the injection barrel into the mold cavity. The distribution channel consists of (1) a sprue, which leads from the nozzle into the mold; (2) runners, which lead from the sprue to the cavity (or cavities); and (3) gates that constrict the flow of plastic into the cavity. There are one or more gates for each cavity in the mold.

two-plate cold runner mold

Three plate mold

The two-plate mold is the most common mold in injection molding. An alternative is a three-plate injection mold. There are advantages to this mold design. First, the flow of molten plastic is through a gate located at the base of the cup-shaped part rather than at the side. This allows for a for a more even distribution of melt along the sides of the cup. In the side gate design of the two-plate, the plastic must flow around the core and join on the opposite side, possibly creating a weakness at the weld line.

Second, the three-plate mold allows more automatic operation of the molding machine. As the mold opens, it divides into three plates with two openings between them. This forces the disconnection of runners and parts, which drop by gravity (with possible assistance from blown air or a robotic arm) into different containers beneath the mold.

Three-plate cold runner mold

Hot Runner Mold

Hot-runner molding has parts that are physically heated. These types of molding help transfer the molten plastic quickly from the machine, directly feeding it into the mold cavity. It can also be known as the runner-less mold. The hot runner system is very useful for some of the high volumes of products that will save huge production costs by using the hot runner mold system. The sprue and runner in a conventional two-plate or three-plate mold represent waste material.

In many instances, they can be ground and reused; however, in some cases, the product must be made of “virgin” plastic (original raw plastic material) or there is multiple cavity mold (such as 24 cavities or 48 cavities, 96 cavities, 128 cavities, or even more cavities). The hot-runner mold eliminates the solidification of the sprue and runner by locating heaters around the corresponding runner channels. While the plastic in the mold cavity solidifies, the material in the sprue and runner channels remains molten, ready to be injected into the cavity in the next cycle.

Type of hot runner system.

Basically, there are two types of hot runner systems: one called hot sprue mold (without the manifold plate and hot runner plate), and one called hot runner mold (with the manifold plate and hot runner plate).

Hot sprue mold (without the manifold plate and hot runner plate) uses the hot nozzle (sprue) to feed the material into the mold cavity, either directly or indirectly.

The hot runner mold (with the manifold plate and hot runner plate) means the hot runner system has the hot runner plate, manifold plate, and sub-hot runner sprue. The below pictures are simple explanations for two types of hot runner systems.

Hot runner system

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Runner Molding

There are a few amazing advantages to cold-runner molding, such as:

  1. Cold-runner molding is cheaper and easier to maintain.
  2. You are able to quickly change colors.
  3. It has a faster cycle time.
  4. It is more flexible than hot-runner molding.
  5. The gate locations can easily be changed or fixed.

Although there are many advantages, there are also some disadvantages. The disadvantages of cold-runner molding are:

  1. You have to have thicker dimensions compared to the hot runner mold.
  2. You can only use certain types of nozzles, fittings, and manifolds.
  3. Cold-runner molding can result in slower production time when you remove sprues and runners.
  4. You must manually separate the runners and parts after molding.
  5. You may waste the plastic materials if you do not reset after each run.

If you want to know more information, please go to the cold runner mold page to check out more details.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hot Runner Molding

Hot-runner molding has a few advantages, such as:

  1. Hot-runner molding has a very quick cycle time.
  2. You can save production costs by using hot-runner molding.
  3. Less pressure is needed to inject the molding.
  4. You have more control over the hot-runner molding.
  5. Hot-runner molding can fit a wide variety of gates.
  6. Multiple cavities of mold can be easily filled by using the hot runner system.

The disadvantages of using hot-runner moldings are:

  1. It is more expensive to make the hot runner mold than the cold runner mold.
  2. It is difficult to maintain and fix the hot runner mold.
  3. You are not able to use hot-runner molding on materials that are thermally sensitive.
  4. You will need to get your machines inspected more often than cold-runner molding machines.
  5. It is hard to change the colors in the hot runner mold system.

Want to know more information? Welcome to the hot runner mold section.

Injection Moulding Processing?

Injection molding

Injection molding

Injection moulding is one of the best ways to shape plastic products by injecting a thermoplastic material. During the process of injection molding, the plastic material is placed in the injection molding machine and the melt system of the injection unit is used to melt the plastic into the liquid. The liquid material is then high-pressure-injected into a mold (a custom manufacturing mold) that is assembled in that injection molding machine. The mold is made of any metal, such as steel or aluminum. The molten form is then allowed to cool down and set into a solid form.

The plastic material thus formed is then ejected out of the plastic mold. The actual process of plastic molding is just an expansion of this basic mechanism. The plastic is let into a barrel or chamber under gravity or is force-fed. As it moves down, the increasing temperature melts the plastic resin. Then, the molten plastic is forcibly injected into the mold under the barrel with an appropriate volume. As the plastic cools, it solidifies. The injection-molded parts like this have a reverse shape from the mold. A variety of shapes, both 2D and 3D, can be produced by the process.

The process of plastic molding is cheap due to the simplicity involved, and the quality of the plastic material is modifiable by changing the factors involved in the custom injection molding process. The pressure of injection can be changed to change the hardness of the final product. The thickness of the mold also governs the quality of the article produced.

The temperature for melting and cooling determines the quality of the plastic formed. ADVANTAGES The major advantage of injection molding is that it is very cost-effective and fast. Apart from this, unlike the cutting processes, this process rules out any undesired sharp edges. Also, this process produces smooth and finished products that require no further finishing. Check below for the detailed advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of injection moulding

Although injection molding is used by many different companies, and there is no doubt this is one of the most popular methods to produce injection molding products, there are some advantages to using it, such as:

  • Precision and aesthetics—because in this injection molding process you can make your plastic part with any shape and surface finish (texture and high gloss finishing), some of the special surface finishing can still be met by the secondary surface finishing process. The injection molding part is the repeatability of their shapes and dimensions.
  • Efficiency and speed: a single production process, even for the most complex products, lasts from a few to several dozen seconds.
    The possibility of full automation of the production process, which in the case of companies dealing with the production of plastic components translates into low production effort and the possibility of mass production,.
  • Ecology: because, compared to metalworking, we are dealing with a significant reduction in the number of technological operations, less direct energy and water consumption, and low emissions of compounds harmful to the environment.

Plastics are materials that, although known relatively recently, have even become indispensable in our lives, and thanks to increasingly modern production processes from year to year, they will contribute even more to saving energy and other natural resources.

Disadvantages of injection molding

  • The high cost of injection molding machines and often the cost of tooling (molds) that equals it result in extended depreciation time and high costs of starting production.
  • Due to the above, injection technology is only cost-effective for mass production.
  • The need for high-qualification technical supervision employees who must know the specifics of injection molding processing.
  • The need for high technical requirements for injection mold making
  • The need to maintain narrow tolerances for processing parameters.
  • A long time of preparation for the production due to the labor-intensive implementation of the injection molds.

Injection molding cycle time

The basic injection cycle time includes mold close, injection carriage forward, plastics filling time, metering, carriage retracts, holding pressure, cooling time, mold open, and eject part(s).

The mold is closed shut by the injection molding machine, and the melted plastic is forced by the pressure of the injection screw to inject into the mold. The cooling channels then assist in cooling the mold, and the liquid plastics become solid into the desired plastic part. The cooling system is one of the most important parts of the mold; inappropriate cooling can result in distorted molding products, and the cycle time will be increased, which will increase the injection molding cost as well.

Molding Trial

When the injection plastic mold has been made by the mold maker, the first thing we need to do is do the mold trial. This is the only way to check the mold quality to see if it was made according to the custom requirement or not. To test the mold, we normally fill the plastics with the molding step by step, using short-shot filling at first, and increasing the material weight little by little until the mold is 95 to 99% full.

After meeting this status, a small amount of holding pressure will be added and holding time increased until the gate freeze-off has occurred. Holding pressure is then increased until the molding part is free of sink marks and the part weight has been stable. Once the part is good enough and has passed any specific technical tests, a machine parameter sheet needs to be recorded for massive production in the future.

Plastic injection molding defects

Injection molding is a complex technology, and problems may happen every time. A new custom made of an injection mold has some issues, which is very normal. To solve the mold issue, we need to fix and test the mold several times. Normally,  two or three trials can completely solve all the issues, but in some cases, only a one-time mold trial can approve the samples. And finally, all of the issues are solved completely. Below are most of the injection molding defects and the troubleshooting skills to solve those issues.

Issue No. I: Short shot defects- What is a short shot issue?

When injecting material into the cavity, molten material does not completely fill the cavity, resulting in the product lacking material. This is called short molding or short shot, as shown in the picture. There are lots of reasons to cause short shot issues.

short shot

Fault Analysis and Method for Correction the defects

  1. Improper selection of injection molding machine: When choosing plastic injection machines, the maximum shot weight of the plastic injection machine must be greater than the weight of the product. During verification, the total injection volume (including the plastic product, runner, and trimming) shall not be more than 85% of the plasticizing capacity of the machine.
  2. Insufficient supply of material: the bottom of the feed position might have “bridging the hole” phenomena. The shot stroke of the injection plunger should be added to increase the supply of material.
  3. Poor flow factor of raw material: improve mold injection system, for example, by proper design of runner location, by enlarging gates, runner, and feeder size, and by using a bigger nozzle, etc. In the meantime, the additive can be added to the raw material to improve the flow rate of the resin or change the material to have a better flow rate.
  4. Overdose of using the lubricant: reduce the lubricant and adjust the gap between the barrel and injection plunger to recover the machine, or fix the mold so that there is no need for any lubricant during the molding process.
  5. Cold foreign substances blocked the runner. This issue normally happens with hot-runner systems. Dismount and clear the nozzle of the hot runner tip, or enlarge the cold material cavity and runner cross-section area.
  6. Improper design of injection feeding system: When designing the injection system, pay attention to gate balance; the product weight of each cavity should be in proportion to the gate size, so that each cavity can be fully filled simultaneously, and gates should be positioned in thick walls. A balanced separate runners scheme can also be adopted. If the gate or runner is small, thin, or long, the molten material pressure will be reduced too much during feeding, and the flow rate will be blocked, which will result in poor filling. To solve this problem, the cross-sections of the gate and runner should be enlarged, and multiple gates should be used when necessary.
  7. Lack of venting: check if there is a cold-slug well or if the position of the cold-slug well is correct. For mold with a deep cavity or deep ribs, venting slots or venting grooves should be added at positions of short molding (end of feeding area). Basically, there are always venting grooves on the parting line; the size of the venting grooves can be 0.02-0.04mm and 5-10mm in width, 3mm close to the sealing area, and the venting opening should be at the end of filling the position.
    When using raw materials with excessive moisture and volatile content, a large amount of gas (air) will also be generated, causing air trap issues in the mold cavity. In this case, raw materials should be dried and cleared of volatile substances. In addition, during the injection process operation, poor venting can be addressed through increasing mold temperature, low injection speed, reducing injection system obstruction and mold clamping force, and enlarging gaps between molds. But the short shot issue happens to the deep rib area. To release the air out, you need to add a venting insert to solve this air trap and short shot issues.
  8. The mold temperature is too low. Before starting molding production, the mold should be heated up to the required temperature. In the beginning, you should connect all of the cooling channels and check if the cooling line is working well, especially for some special materials like PC, PA66, PA66+GF, PPS, etc. The perfect cooling design is a must for those special plastic materials.
  9. Molten material temperature is too low. In a proper molding process window, the temperature of the material is in proportion to the filling length. Low-temperature molten material is poor in fluidity, and the filling length is shortened. It should be noted that after the feed barrel is heated to the required temperature, it should stay constant for a while before starting molding production.
    In the event that low-temperature injection must be used to prevent molten material from being resolved, the injection cycle time can be prolonged to overcome the short shot. If you have a professional molding operator, he should know this very well.
  10. Nozzle temperature is too low. When open mold, the nozzle should be part away from the mold spure to reduce the influence of mold temperature on the nozzle temperature and keep the nozzle temperature within the range of what the molding process requires.
  11. Insufficient injection pressure or holding pressure: injection pressure is close to a positive proportion to the filling distance. The injection pressure is too low, the filling distance is short, and the cavity cannot be fully filled. Increasing the injection pressure and holding pressure can improve this issue.
  12. Injection speed is too slow. Mold filling speed is directly related to injection speed. If injection speed is too low, filling of molten material is slow while slow-flowing molten is easy to cool, hence the flow properties further decrease and result in a short injection. For this reason, the injection speed should be enhanced properly.
  13. Plastic product design is not reasonable. If the wall thickness is out of proportion to the length of the plastic product, the product shape is very complex, and the forming area is large, melt material is easily blocked at the thin wall of the product, leading to insufficient filling. Therefore, when designing the shape and structure of the plastic products, note that wall thickness is directly related to melting limit filling length. During injection molding, product thickness should range between 1-3 mm and 3-6 mm for large products. Generally, it is not good for injection molding if the wall thickness is over 8 mm or less than 0.4 mm, so this kind of thickness should be avoided in design.

Issue No. II: Trimming (Flashing or burrs) Defects

I. What is the flashing or Burrs?

When extra plastic melt material is forced out of the mold cavity from the mold joint and forms a thin sheet, trimming is generated. If the thin sheet is large, it is called flashing.

Molding Flash or burrs

Molding Flash or burrs

II. Fault Analysis and Method for Correction

  1. Mold clamping force is not sufficient. Check whether the booster is overpressurizing and verify whether the product of the projected area of the plastic part and the forming pressure exceed the clamping force of the equipment. Forming pressure is the average pressure in the mold; normally, it is 40 MPa. If the calculation product is larger than the mold clamping force, it indicates that the clamping force is insufficient or the injection positioning pressure is too high. In this case, the injection pressure or section area of the injection gate should be reduced; pressure keeping and pressurization time can also be shortened; injection plunger strokes can be reduced; the number of injection cavities can be reduced; or a mold injection machine with a larger tonnage can be used.
  2. The material temperature is too high. The temperature of the feed barrel, nozzle, and mold should be decreased properly to reduce the injection cycle. For melts of low viscosity, like polyamide, it is difficult to solve overflow flashing defects by simply changing injection molding parameters. To solve this issue completely, fixing the mold is the best way, like doing better mold fitting and making the parting line and shot-off area more precise.
  3. Mold defect. Mold defects are the main reason for overflow flashing. The mold must be carefully examined and the mold parting line re-verified to ensure the pre-centering of the mold. Check whether the parting line fits well, whether the gap between sliding parts in the cavity and core is out of tolerance, whether there is adhesion of foreign matter on the parting line, whether the mold plates are flat and whether there is bending or deformation, whether the distance between mold pate is adjusted to fit the thickness of the mold, whether the surface mold block is damaged, whether the pull rod is deformed unevenly, and whether the venting slot or grooves is too large or too deep.
  4. Improperness of the molding process. If injection speed is too high, injection time is too long, injection pressure in the mold cavity is unbalanced, mold filling speed is not constant, or there is overfeeding of material, an overdose of lubricant can lead to flashing; therefore, corresponding measures should be taken according to the specific situation during operation.

Issue No. III. Welding Line (Joint Line) Defects

I. What is the welding line defect?

Welding line

Welding line

When filling the mold cavity with molten plastic material, if two or more flows of molten material have cooled down in advance before confluence t the joint area, the flows will not be able to totally integrate and a liner is produced at the confluence, thereby a welding line is formed, also called joint line

II. Fault Analysis and Method for Correction

  1. The material temperature is too low. Low-temperature molten material flows have poor confluence performance, and the welding line is easily formed. If welding marks appear at the same position on both the interior and exterior of a plastic product, it is usually inappropriate welding caused by the low temperature of the material. To address this problem, the feeding barrel and nozzle temperatures can be properly increased, or the injection cycle can be prolonged to increase the material temperature. In the meantime, the coolant flow inside the mold should be regulated to properly increase the mold temperature.
    Generally, the strength of the plastic product welding line is relatively low. If the position of the mold with the welding line can be partially heated to partially increase the temperature at the welding position, the strength at the welding line can be enhanced. When a low-temperature injection molding process is used for special needs, injection speed and injection pressure can be increased to improve confluence performance. A small dosage of lubricant can also be added to the raw material formula to increase molten flow performance.
  2. Mold Defect. The fewer numbers of the gate should be adopted, and the position of the gate should be reasonable to avoid inconsistent filling speed and interruption of molten flow. Where possible, a one-point gate should be adopted. To prevent low-temperature molten material from generating a welding mark after being injected into the mold cavity, lower the mold temperature and add more cold water to the mold.
  3. Poor mold venting solution. Check whether the venting slot is blocked by solidified plastic or another substance at first (especially some glass fiber material), and check whether there is a foreign substance at the gate. If there are still carbonation spots after removing the extra blocks, add a venting groove at the flow convergence in the mold or change the gate location. Reduce the mold clamping force and increase venting intervals to speed up the convergence of material flows. In terms of the molding process, reducing material temperature and mold temperature, shortening high-pressure injection time, and decreasing injection pressure can be taken.
  4. Improper use of release agents. In injection molding, usually, a small quantity of release agent is evenly applied at the thread and other positions that are not easy to demold. In principle, the use of the release agent should be reduced as much as possible. In massive production, you should never use a release agent.
  5. The structure of plastic products is not reasonably designed. If the wall of the plastic product is too thin, the thickness differs greatly, or there are too many inserts, it will cause poor welding. When designing a plastic product, it shall be ensured that the thinnest part of the product must be greater than the minimum wall thickness allowed during forming. In addition, reduce the number of inserts and make the wall thickness as uniform as possible.
  6. The welding angle is too small. Each kind of plastic has its own unique welding angle. When two flows of molten plastic converge, the welding mark will appear if the converging angle is smaller than the limit welding angle and will disappear if the converging angle is bigger than the limit welding angle. Usually, the limit welding angle is around 135 degrees.
  7. Other causes. Different degrees of poor welding can be caused by the use of raw materials with excessive moisture and volatile content, oil stains in the mold that are not cleaned up, cold material in the mold cavity or uneven distribution of fiber filler in the molten material, an unreasonable design of the mold cooling system, fast solidification of the melt, a low temperature of the insert, a small nozzle hole, an insufficient plasticizing capacity of the injection machine, or a large pressure loss in the plunger or barrel of the machine.
    To solve these problems, different measures, such as pre-drying of raw materials, regular cleaning of mold, changing the design of mold cooling channels, controlling the flow of cooling water, increasing the temperature of inserts, replacing nozzles with larger apertures, and using injection machines with larger specifications, can be taken in the process of operation.

Issue No. IV: Warp Distortion – What is warp distortion?

Due to internal shrinkage of the product is inconsistent, the internal stress is different and distortion occurs.

Warp Distortion

Warp Distortion

Fault Analysis and Method for Correction

1. The molecular orientation is unbalanced. In order to minimize warp distortion caused by diversification of molecular orientation, create conditions to reduce flow orientation and relax orientation stress. The most effective method is to reduce molten material temperature and mold temperature. When this method is used, it is better to combine it with heat treatment of the plastic parts; otherwise, the effect of reducing molecular orientation diversification is often of short duration. The method of heat treatment is: after demoulding, keep the plastic product at a high temperature for some time and then cool to room temperature gradually. In this way, the orientation stress in the plastic product can be largely eliminated.

2. Improper cooling. When designing a plastic product structure, the cross-section of each position should be consistent. Plastic must be kept in the mold for a sufficient time for cooling and forming. For the design of a mold cooling system, cooling pipelines should be at positions where the temperature is easy to rise and the heat is relatively concentrated. As for the positions that easily cool down, gradual cooling should be adopted to ensure balanced cooling of each position of the product.

Warpage issue

Warpage issue

3. The gating system of mold is not properly designed. When determining the gate position, be aware that the molten material will not directly impact the core, and be sure the stress on both sides of the core is the same. For large flat rectangular plastic parts, a membrane gate or multi-point gate shall be used for resin raw materials with wide molecular orientation and shrinkage, and a side gate shall not be used; for ring parts, a disk gate or wheel gate shall be used, and a side gate or pinpoint gate shall not be used; for housing parts, a straight gate shall be used, and a side gate shall not be used as far as possible.

4. The demolding and venting system is not properly designed. In-mold design, draft angle, position, and the number of ejectors should be reasonably designed to improve mold strength and positioning accuracy. For small and medium-sized molds, anti-warping molds can be designed and made according to their warping behavior. In respect of mold operation, ejection speed or ejection stroke should be properly reduced.

5. Improper operation process. The process parameter shall be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Issue No. V: Sink Mark Defects – What is the sink mark?

Sink marks are unevenly shrinking of the surface caused by the inconsistent wall thickness of the plastic product.

Sink marks

Sink marks

Fault Analysis and Method for Correction

  1. The injection molding condition is not properly controlled. Properly increase injection pressure and speed, increase molten material compression density, prolong injection and pressure-keeping time, compensate for the sinking of the molten, and increase the buffering capacity of injection. However, the pressure should not be too high; otherwise, the convex mark will appear. If sink marks are around the gate, prolonging the pressure keeping time can eliminate the sink marks; if sink marks are at the thick wall, prolonging the cooling time of the plastic product in the mold; if sink marks around the insert are caused by partial shrinkage of molten, the main reason is that the temperature of the insert is too low; try to increase the temperature of the insert to eliminate the sink marks; if sink marks are caused by insufficient material feeding, increase the material. Besides all of this, the plastic product must be fully cooled in the mold.
  2. Mold defects. According to the actual situation, properly enlarge the gate and runner cross-section, and the gate should be in a symmetrical position. The feed inlet should be in the thick wall. If sink marks appear away from the gate, the cause usually is that the flow of molten material is not smooth at some position of the mold, which hampers the transmission of pressure. To solve this problem, enlarge the injection system to allow the runner to extend to the position of the sink marks. For products with thick walls, a wing-type gate is preferred.
  3. Raw materials cannot meet molding requirements. For plastic products with high finish standards, resin with low shrinkage shall be used, or the appropriate dosage of lubricant can also be added to the raw material.
  4. Improper design of product structure. The wall thickness of the product shall be uniform; if the wall thickness differs a lot, the structure parameter of the injection system or the wall thickness shall be adjusted.
  5. sink marks defects

    sink marks defects

Issue No. VI: Flow Mark-What is Flow Mark?

Flow mark is a linear trace on the surface of a molding product that shows the flow direction of molten material.

Flow mark

Flow mark

Fault Analysis and Method for Correction

  1. Ring-shaped flow marks on the surface of the plastic part with the gate as the center are caused by poor flow motion. To address this kind of flow mark, increase the temperature of the mold and nozzle, increase the injection rate and filling speed, prolong the pressure-keeping time, or add a heater at the gate to raise the temperature around the gate. Appropriately expanding the gate and runner area can also work, while the gate and runner section is preferably circular, which can guarantee the best filling. However, if the gate is in the weak area of the plastic part, it will be square. In addition, a large cold-slug well should be set at the bottom of the injection port and at the end of the runner; the greater the influence of material temperature on the flow performance of the melt, the more attention should be paid to the size of the cold-slug well. The cold-slug well must be set at the end of the melt flow direction from the injection port.
  2. Whirl flow marks on the surface of the plastic part are caused by the unsmooth flow of molten material in the runner. When the molten material flows from the runner with a narrow section to the cavity with a larger section or the mold runner is narrow and the finish is poor, the material flow is easy to form turbulence, resulting in a whirl flow mark on the surface of the plastic part. To address this kind of flow mark, reduce injection speed appropriately or control the injection speed in slow-fast-slow mode. The mold gate shall be in the thick wall and preferably in the form of a handle type, a fan type, or a film type. The runner and gate can be enlarged to reduce material flow resistance.
  3. Cloud-like flow marks on the surface of the plastic part are caused by volatile gas. When ABS or other copolymerized resins are used, if the processing temperature is high, the volatile gas produced by the resin and lubricant will form cloud-like ripple marks on the surface of the product. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the mold and barrel, improve the venting of the mold, reduce the material temperature and filling speed, enlarge the gate section properly, and consider changing the type of lubricant or reducing the use of lubricant.

Issue No. VII: Glass fiber streaks – What is Glass fiber streaks

Surface Appearance: Plastic molding products with glass fiber have various surface defects, such as dim and dreary in color, coarse in texture, and metal bright spots, etc. These are especially obvious in the convex part of the material flow area, close to the joint line where the fluid meets again.

Physical cause

If the injection temperature and the mold temperature are too low, the material containing glass fiber tends to solidify fast on the mold surface, and the glass fiber will not melt in the material again. When two flows meet, the orientation of glass fiber is in the direction of each flow, which will lead to irregular surface texture at the intersection, resulting in the formation of joint seams or flow lines.

This type of defect is more obvious if the molted material is not fully mixed in the barrel. For example, if the stroke of the screw is too long, it will cause the undermixed material to also be injected.

Causes related to process parameters and improvements can be identified:

  1. The injection speed is too low. To increase injection speed, consider using a multi-step injection method like slow-fast mode.
  2. The temperature of the mold is low; increasing the mold temperature could improve the glass fiber streaks.
  3. Molten material temperature is too low; increase barrel temperature and screw back pressure to improve.
  4. The temperature of molten material varies a lot: if the molten material is not fully mixed, increase screw back pressure, reduce screw speed, and use the longer barrel to shorten stroke.

Issue No. VIII: Ejector Marks: What are ejector marks?

Surface Appearance: Stress whitening and stress rising phenomena are found on the side of the product that is facing the nozzle, i.e., where the ejector rod is located on the ejector side of the mold.

Physical cause

If the demoulding force is too high or the surface of the ejector rod is relatively small, the surface pressure here will be very high, causing deformation and eventually whitening at the ejection area.

Causes related to process parameters and improvements can be applied:

  1. Holding pressure is too high; decrease pressure while keeping pressure.
  2. Holding pressure time is too long; shorten holding pressure time.
  3. Holding pressure switch time is too late. advance the pressure-keeping switch
  4. The cooling time is too short; increasing the cooling time

Causes related to mold design and improvements can be applied:

  1. The draft angle is not enough; increase the draft angle according to specification, especially in the area of the ejector mark.
  2. The surface finish is too rough; the mold shall be well polished in the demolding direction.
  3. A vacuum is formed on the ejection side. Install an air valve in the cor


Due to the specific properties of plastics, injection molding is a very complex technological process; unlike the seemingly related process of metal die casting, it is not a mechanical process but a mechanical-physical one. In the injection molding process, a molded piece is obtained. It is characterized not only by a specific shape but also by a specific structure resulting from the flow of the plasticized material in the mold and the course of its solidification.

Because these processes occur in the form of injection, the designer of this tool must take into account, in addition to typically mechanical issues, issues related to the physical nature of the material transformation. Constructing a rationally working form requires, at the same time, from the designer a thorough knowledge of the technical capabilities of the injection molding machine, because it is a machine with extremely rich possibilities provided by its equipment and numerous work programs.

If you want to know more, please go to our other plastic mold page. If you are looking for injection molding services, you are welcome to send us your requirements for a quotation.

If you have a new project or current project that needs a China injection molding company to support you, we are happy to help. Please call us or send us an email.

glass filled PA injection molding

What is Plastic Moulding

Plastic moulding is the plastic work through the Injection moulding machine, The melted plastic will automatically molten after erupting out in all of the plastic moulding methods, injection plastic moulding has been the most widely used. The method comprises the following steps: getting the thermoplastic plastic or the thermosetting plastic imported into the heating cylinder of the injection moulding machine, and when it is completely melted, it will produce heat and frictional heat by the pressure of the plunger or the screw, and is injected into the mould cavity of the closed mould, after curing, and then open the mould and take out the finished product.

Plastic moulding is the principal method of forming thermoplastic materials. Modifications of the plastic injection molding process are sometimes used for thermosetting plastics.

The problem with plastic moulding of thermosetting materials is that, under heat, these plastics will first soften, then harden to an infusible state. Thus it is essential that no softened thermosetting material in the heating chamber be allowed to remain there long enough to set. Jet molding, offset molding and molding using a screw-type machine overcome this problem by liquefying the thermosetting plastic material just as it goes through the injection nozzle into the plastic mold, but not before.

plastic mold technology

Type of plastic molding

There are many type of plastic moulding process, below we will briefly explain each type of plastic mouldings.

Blow Molding

Blow molding is a method of forming hollow articles out of thermoplastic materials.

Blow molding is a process of forming a molten tube of thermoplastic material, then with the use of compressed air, blowing up the tube to conform to the interior of a chilled blow mold. The most common methods are extrusion, injection, and injection-stretch blow molding.

The continuous-extrusion method uses a continuously running extruder with a tuned die head that forms the molten plastic tube. The tube is then pinched between two mold halves. A blow pin or needle is inserted into the tube and compressed air is used to blow up the part to conform to the chilled mold interior. Accumulator-extrusion is similar, however, the molten plastic material is accumulated in a chamber prior to being forced through a die to form the tube.

Injection molding

Injection blow molding is a process of injection molding a preform (similar to a test tube), then taking the tempered preform to a blow mold to be filled with compressed air to conform to the interior of the blow mold. Injection-stretch blow molding can be a single-stage process similar to standard injection blow molding, by adding the element of stretch prior to blow forming. Also, a two-step process is possible, where a preform is made in an injection molding machine, then taken to a reheat-stretch blow molding machine for preform reheating and final blow forming in a blow mold.

Thermoforming molding

plastic moulding

plastic molding company, injection molding machines from 60 Ton to 2000 Ton

Thermoforming of plastic sheet has developed rapidly in recent years. This process consists of heating thermoplastic sheet to a formable plastic state and then applying air and/or mechanical assists to shape it to the contours of a mold.

Air pressure may range from almost zero to several hundred psi. Up to approximately 14 psi (atmospheric pressure), the pressure is obtained by evacuating the space between the sheet and the mold in order to utilize this atmospheric pressure. This range, known as vacuum forming, will give satisfactory reproduction of the mold configuration in the majority of forming applications.

Themoset Transfer Molding

Themoset Transfer molding is most generally used for thermosetting plastics. This method is like compression molding in that the plastic is cured into an infusible state in a mold under heat and pressure. It differs from compression molding in that the plastic is heated to a point of plasticity before it reaches the mold and is forced into a closed mold by means of a hydraulically operated plunger.

Themoset Transfer molding was developed to facilitate the molding of intricate products with small deep holes or numerous metal inserts. The dry mold compound used in compression molding sometimes disturbs the position of the metal inserts and the pins which form the holes. The liquefied plastic material in transfer molding flows around these metal parts without causing them to shift position.

Reaction Injection Molding

Reaction injection molding (RIM) is a relatively new processing technique that has rapidly taken its place alongside more traditional methods. Unlike liquid casting, the two liquid components, polyols and isocyanates, are mixed in a chamber at relatively low temperatures (75° – 140° F) before being injected into a closed mold. An exothermic reaction occurs, and consequently RIM requires far less energy usage than any other injection molding system.

The three major types of polyurethane RIM systems are rigid structural foam, low-modulus elastomers, and high-modulus elastomers.

Reinforced RIM (R-RIM) consists of the addition of such materials as chopped or milled glass fiber to the polyurethane to enhance stiffness and to increase modulus, thus expanding the range of applications.

Compression Molding

Compression molding is the most common method of forming thermosetting materials. It is not generally used for thermoplastics.

Compression molding is simply the squeezing of a material into a desired shape by application of heat and pressure to the material in a mold.

Plastic molding powder, mixed with such materials or fillers as woodflour and cellulose to strengthen or give other added qualities to the finished product, is put directly into the open mold cavity. The mold is then closed, pressing down on the plastic and causing it to flow throughout the mold. It is while the heated mold is closed that the thermosetting material undergoes a chemical change which permanently hardens it into the shape of the mold. The three compression molding factors — pressure, temperature and time the mold is closed — vary with the design of the finished article and the material being molded.

Extrusion Molding

Extrusion molding is the method employed to form thermoplastic materials into continuous sheeting, film, tubes, rods, profile shapes, and filaments, and to coat wire, cable and cord.

In extrusion, dry plastic material is first loaded into a hopper, then fed into a long heating chamber through which it is moved by the action of a continuously revolving screw. At the end of the heating chamber the molten plastic is forced out through a small opening or die with the shape desired in the finished product. As the plastic extrusion comes from the die, it is fed onto a conveyor belt where it is cooled, most frequently by blowers or by immersion in water.

In the case of wire and cable coating, the thermoplastic is extruded around a continuing length of wire or cable which, like the plastic, passes through the extruder die. The coated wire is wound on drums after cooling.

In the production of wide film or sheeting, the plastic is extruded in the form of a tube. This tube may be split as it comes from the die and then stretched and thinned to the dimensions desired in the finished film.

In a different process, the extruded tubing is inflated as it comes from the die, the degree of inflation of the tubing regulating the thickness of the final film.

plastic injection mold tooling

Plastic Moulding Knowledge Guidance

1 The basic knowledge of plastic molding.
1.1 The characteristics and composition of plastic injection moulding.

Plastic Injection moulding is to fill the molten moulding material in a closed mould with high pressure. The pressure that the plastic molding cavity needs to be subjected to about 400 KGF / CM2, approximately 400 atmospheres. With such a high pressure to make a product is its characteristic which is not the only an advantage but also disadvantages. In other words, the mold always has to be made stable, therefore its’ price is always high. So must be mass-produced in order to buckle with high-priced mould costs. For example, the production of each batch must be more than 10000PCS to be reasonable. In other words, plastic molding work surely has to be a mass-production.

A few steps of the plastic molding process :
1.1.1 Closing
Close the security and then start moulding
1.1.2 Clamping mold
Moving forward the moving board in order to get the mould closed. When the mould is closed which means is also locked.

1.1.3 Injecting (including holding press)
The screw is quickly pushing forward, injecting the molten formed plastic material into the mould cavity to full fill it. Keeping the press at the same time after full filling it, this action is particularly named “holding press.” The pressing that the mold has to bear when it just gets full filled, generally called ‘Injection Press’ or ‘one press’.

1.1.4 Cooling off (and the next step of the plasticization project)

The process of waiting for the material getting cool formed in the mould cavity is called “cooling off”, At this time the injection device is also ready for the next step, this process is called “plasticization process. The moulded material is placed in the hopper, inflow into the heated tube to heat, it is based on the rotation of the screw turning the raw material into the molten status.

1.1.5 Opening the mould

Move the moving board to the backward and the mould will be opened.

1.1.6 Opening the security door

Opening the security door, then the machine will be in the standby status.

1.1.7 Picking up

Taking out the product, checking carefully if there is anything left in the mould cavity, and this whole forming operation is called moulding cycle time. The finished product is shaped by the shape of the mould. The mold is composed of the left mould and the right mould, These two sides of moulds are left with voids, and the material would flow into the voids and get compressed to finish the product. There are three main lines of the path of the molding material before it flows into the left side and right side, sprue, runner, gate, and so on.

1.2 Injection molding machine

Injection moulding machine is distinguished from two large projects, they are divided into two, clamping device and injection device.

1.2.2 clamping device

Closing the mould, the molding material would be cooled off and solidified in the mould cavity. Opening the mould cavity and take out the finished product is the action of the clamping device

1.2.3 Injection Device

Injecting the plastic material into the mould cavity called ‘Injection device’

The following describes the ability of the injection moulding machine, there are three provisions to distinguish the ability of it.

A. Clamping force

When the injection is made, the mould won’t be opened by the maximum clamping force, expressed as the number of TON.

B. Injection volume

The weight of a shot is generally expressed in terms of grams.

C. Plasticizing capacity

A certain amount of time able to melt the amount of resin, this is generally expressed in terms of grams. The most important part is the clamping force, the area of the moulded article is referring the mould perpendicular to the shadow of the opening and closing direction (basically the moud’s area). The average pressure within the mold added to the projection area is called the clamping force. If the mold “projection area × average pressure” is greater than the “clamping force” then the left and the right side moulds will be pushed out.

Clamping force = projection area × average pressure within the mold In general, the mold can withstand the pressure of 400KGF / Cm2, so base on this figure to calculate the clamping force, but the clamping force often based on the shape of forming materials and the shape of the product’s vary, the difference between the larger parameters such as PE, PP, PS, ABS materials, these raw materials are used to make the shallow box, the parameter is 300KGF / CM2.

If the depth of the box is deeper then the parameter is 400 KGF / CM2, If it is the small but high precision products. The projection area is about 10CM2 or less, its parameters are 600KGF / CM2. The smaller parameters such as PVC, PC, POM, AS materials, these materials are also used to make a shallow box, the parameters of 400KGF / CM2, if it is a deep box of its parameters is 500KGF / CM2, if it is a small and high precision products, projection area of about 10CM2 below, its parameter is 800KGF / CM2.

To working with Plastic Moulding is not easy, if you have a project that needs plastic molding service you need to find a professional plastic molding company to support you, to reduce your plastic mold and Injection moulding cost, find a Chinese molding company to support you will be one of the best options, plastic mould and moulding parts from China mold company has inexpensive price and short lead time, this is no reason that you do not choose your plastic molding supplier from China, on the world, over 80% or overseas companies that buy products from China, China is the biggest manufacturer country on the world, this is no doubt about this,

Plastic box mold

We are A Plastic Molding Parts Manufacturing Company

Finding the right source for all your injection molded thermoplastic parts is as easy as selecting DONGGUAN SINCERE TECH CO.LTD (SINCER ETECH). If you need quality injected-molded parts from an ISO 9001:2000 Certified supplier, and you need them on time, ACM is the answer.

Plastic Mold & Plastic Molding Parts Service: Your One-Stop Solution

Sincere Tech is a top 10 injection mold companies in China, offer injection mould, plastic moulding service to the world, 90% of our mold and parts are export to American, Europe, and the world, SINCERE TECH is a “one-stop, one-responsibility” company. our skilled, quality-minded thermoplastics professionals are committed to superior service, providing solutions to customers’ needs from concept to finished product. At our modern plastic molding facility you will be guaranteed:

  • Top quality products
  • The latest in technological equipment
  • Cost-effective manufacturing processes
  • Quality assurance procedures

We are capable of producing a wide variety of plastic parts and components, for industries of all types, including:

  • A / C Vents
  • Actuators
  • Bezels
  • Blood Testers
  • Boat Parts
  • Bobbins
  • Bottle Ties
  • Boxes
  • Brackets
  • Buckles
  • Cases
  • Clips
  • Component Boxes
  • Computer Peripherals
  • Connectors
  • Cosmetic Packaging
  • DVD / VCR Faceplates
  • Faucet Extrusions
  • Flower Pot Bases
  • Fuse Blocks
  • Gear Shift
  • Knobs
  • Gears
  • Housings
  • Junction Boxes
  • Key Fobs
  • Knobs
  • Lenses
  • Light Pipes
  • Motor Housings
  • Name Plates
  • Phone Parts
  • Push Buttons
  • Radiator Tops
  • Seat Belt Parts
  • Shields
  • Spacers
  • Spools
  • Switches
  • Tail Lamp Sockets
  • Toys
  • Trim Plates
  • Typewriter Parts
  • Vents
  • Vials
  • Wedges
  • Window Lift Parts
  • Wire Shields

SINCERE TECH’s Capabilitiesplastic mold manufacturing company

SINCERE TECH’s molding machines range from 60-ton to 2000-ton. We are equipped to mold products from many varieties and grades of resin, each with different properties, including:

  • Thermoplastic commodity resins
  • Engineering grade resins (filled and unfilled)
  • Elastomeric materials

Read more details about our Production Facility and Equipment.

Additionally, our facilities can provide a number of secondary operations, such as:

  • Assembly
  • Pad Printing
  • Painting
  • Drilling
  • Ultrasonic Welding
  • Milling
  • Ultrasonic Insertion

Read more details about our Production Facility and Equipment.

You are welcome to send us your new project, we will quote you with 24 hours, we will offer you the best solution for your new project to save you price, not only the injection molding process, but rubber molding, metal parts etc.


Injection mold manufacturer in China

What is plastic injection mold press

Plastic injection mold pressPlastic injection mold press is simple called press. Plastic injection mold press holds the plastic mold in which the components are shaped. Mold press is rated by tonnage, which expresses the amount of clamping force that the machine can generate. This pressure keeps the mold closed during the injection process. Tonnage can vary from less than 5 tons and big than 5000 tons, with the higher figures used in comparatively few manufacturing operations.

Plastic injection mold press can fasten the plastic molds in either a horizontal or vertical position. The majority is horizontally oriented, but vertical machines are used in some niche applications such as insert molding ( click here to know more about insert molding) allowing the machine to take advantage of gravity.

Plastic injection mold press is used to create many things such as milk cartons, packaging, bottle caps, automotive dashboards, pocket combs, and most other plastic products available today. It is known that injection molding is the most common method of part manufacturing. It is ideal for producing high volumes of the same object. Go to injection molding page to know more about injection moulding.

Basic Components of a Plastic Injection Mold Press

The basic components of a Plastic Injection Mold Press are integral to its functionality, contributing to the precision and efficiency of the injection molding process. Sincere Tech China Mold Maker, a prominent player in the industry, understands the significance of each component in delivering top-notch manufacturing solutions. Let’s delve into the essential elements that constitute a Plastic Injection Mold Press:

1. Injection Unit:

  • Hopper:
    • The hopper serves as the reservoir for raw plastic material. Sincere Tech ensures that the hopper design facilitates efficient material loading and prevents contamination.
  • Barrel:
    • Within the barrel, the plastic material is subjected to controlled heating and pressurization. Sincere Tech’s barrels are designed for optimal heat transfer and durability, ensuring uniform melting of the plastic.
  • Screw or Plunger:
    • The screw or plunger is responsible for conveying the molten plastic material from the barrel to the mold. Sincere Tech’s precision-engineered screws and plungers ensure a consistent and reliable injection process.

2. Clamping Unit:

  • Mold:
    • The mold defines the shape and features of the final product. Sincere Tech specializes in custom mold designs, tailored to the specific requirements of clients across diverse industries.
  • Clamping Mechanism:
    • The clamping mechanism ensures that the mold remains securely closed during the injection process. Sincere Tech’s robust clamping systems guarantee stability and accuracy in the molding process.
  • Cooling System:
    • Efficient temperature control is critical for the solidification of the plastic within the mold. Sincere Tech integrates advanced cooling systems to maintain precise temperature levels, contributing to the overall quality of the molded products.

These components work seamlessly together during the injection molding process, reflecting Sincere Tech’s commitment to excellence in every facet of Plastic Injection Mold Press technology. Their attention to detail in the design and manufacturing of these components ensures that clients receive reliable and high-performance machinery for their production needs.

Advantages of Plastic Injection Mold Press

Sincere Tech China Mold Maker’s Plastic Injection Mold Press technology comes with a multitude of advantages, positioning it as a preferred choice for manufacturers seeking precision, efficiency, and versatility. Here are the key advantages associated with Plastic Injection Mold Press:

1. High Precision and Accuracy:

  • Sincere Tech’s Plastic Injection Mold Press technology excels in producing intricate and complex designs with exceptional precision. The advanced control systems and precise engineering contribute to the consistent replication of detailed molds, meeting the strictest quality standards.

2. Efficient Production Rates:

  • The efficiency of Sincere Tech’s Plastic Injection Mold Press technology translates into high production rates. Rapid injection cycles, coupled with reliable and durable components, ensure that manufacturers can meet demanding production schedules and reduce time-to-market for their products.

3. Versatility in Material Usage:

  • Sincere Tech understands the importance of material flexibility in manufacturing. Their Plastic Injection Mold Press technology accommodates a wide range of materials, from traditional polymers to advanced engineering plastics. This versatility enables clients to choose the most suitable material for their specific application.

4. Reduced Material Waste:

  • Precision control over the injection process minimizes material waste. Sincere Tech’s technology ensures that the right amount of material is injected into the mold, reducing excess and optimizing resource utilization. This commitment to sustainability aligns with global environmental goals.

5. Cost-Effectiveness:

  • The efficiency and accuracy of Sincere Tech’s Plastic Injection Mold Press technology contribute to cost-effectiveness in manufacturing. Reduced waste, faster production cycles, and reliable operation result in overall cost savings for clients.

6. Scalability:

  • Whether dealing with small-scale production or large-volume manufacturing, Sincere Tech’s Plastic Injection Mold Press technology is scalable to meet varying production needs. This scalability is crucial for adapting to market demands and business growth.

7. Consistent Quality Control:

  • Sincere Tech places a strong emphasis on quality control throughout the manufacturing process. The precise control mechanisms in their Plastic Injection Mold Press technology ensure consistent product quality, minimizing defects and rejections.

8. Tailored Solutions for Diverse Industries:

  • Sincere Tech’s expertise allows them to provide tailored solutions for diverse industries, including automotive, consumer goods, medical devices, and packaging. Their understanding of industry-specific requirements ensures that clients receive customized solutions that align with their unique needs.

In essence, Sincere Tech China Mold Maker’s Plastic Injection Mold Press technology offers a comprehensive package of advantages, making it a reliable and efficient choice for manufacturers seeking excellence in plastic injection molding processes.

Types of Plastic Injection Mold Press

Sincere Tech China Mold Maker offers a range of Plastic Injection Mold Press technologies, each catering to specific needs and preferences. Here are the primary types of Plastic Injection Mold Press provided by Sincere Tech:

1. Hydraulic Injection Mold Press:

  • Description: Hydraulic injection mold presses utilize hydraulic systems to power the various components of the machine. These systems provide high force and are known for their robustness.
  • Advantages:
    • High clamping force suitable for large molds.
    • Versatility in handling a variety of materials.
    • Reliable and durable, with lower maintenance requirements.

2. Electric Injection Mold Press:

  • Description: Electric injection mold presses rely on electric servo motors to drive the machine’s components. This type is appreciated for its precision, energy efficiency, and accuracy.
  • Advantages:
    • Higher energy efficiency and reduced operating costs.
    • Enhanced precision and control over the injection process.
    • Quieter operation compared to hydraulic counterparts.

3. Hybrid Injection Mold Press:

  • Description: Hybrid injection mold presses combine hydraulic and electric systems to optimize performance. They often use electric motors for plasticizing and hydraulic systems for clamping.
  • Advantages:
    • Balances the energy efficiency of electric systems with the power of hydraulic systems.
    • Provides flexibility in adapting to different production requirements.
    • Offers improved precision in injection molding processes.

Sincere Tech China Mold Maker excels in delivering these types of Plastic Injection Mold Press machines, ensuring that clients have the flexibility to choose the technology that best suits their specific production needs. The company’s commitment to innovation and customization enables them to stay at the forefront of the industry, meeting the evolving demands of various manufacturing sectors.

If you are a plastic mold manufacturing company that produces anything from plastic molding toys to car parts and you are not using Plastic injection mold press to produce your parts, you will spend too much money.  Indeed, using Plastic injection mold press provides additional savings to manufacturers because plastic is less expensive than metal and manufacturers pay for fewer parts. As a result, they are widely used because of the high quality of the end product.

One of Plastic injection mold press you can choose in the market is Plastic Injection Molder (YS-1180). This machine has moving platen featuring box type bridge structure and full-connected rear high-rigidity mold platen. Through finite element analysis, it can prevent deforming of mold platen, resist against fatigue, have high repetition accuracy, distribute mold closing force uniformly, greatly increase mold’s service life and reduce injection molding cost.

Another option of Plastic injection mold press is HDT-200 200ton plastic injection molder. This machine comes in two series; HDT series and HDF series. The HDT machines’ clamping force is from 80 tons to 2200 tons and the shot weight is from 80g to 2kg. These machines have strong locking force and a very good injection precise also a stable performance etc.

Meanwhile, the HDF machines are a type of high-speed Plastic injection mold press. The machine’s cycle time is very short (2.6 seconds-3.6 seconds) with a high injection pressure (to be possible to reach 240MPA) and a high-speed injection (to be possible to reach 600MM/S). This machine can be used to produce the thin-wall products, especially the thin-wall snack boxes and containers (with the wall thickness of 0.4mm).Plastic mold

Or you can choose another option among other Plastic injection mold press available in the market. Just choose the one based on your needs and budget, and you will surely find the one you are looking for.

Related Info to Plastic injection mold press

Plastic Injection Molding Machine

Plastic injection molding machine, also known as an injection press, is a machine for manufacturing plastic products by the injection molding process. Plastic injection moldingread more

Plastic Injection Molding Process

Plastic injection molding process requires the use of an injection molding machine, raw plastic material, and a plastic mold. In this process, the plastic is melted …read more

Blow Molding Machine

Blow molding machine is a machine used in blow forming jobs that become a multibillion-dollar business. It is a manufacturing process in which hollow … read more

Is your project ready for molding? Send us your requirement for quotation, we will send you the price in 24 hours, you will not lose anything but have our competitive price for reference.

China Mold Maker

Plastic mold maker means a professional manufacturer or company who designs and makes plastic molds used to produce plastic products through an injection molding process. The plastic mold maker use a variety of method, machine and techniques to manufacture plastic molds that are durable, precise, and capable of producing thousands to millions of same quality plastic products.

Some of the mold manufacturing process that a plastic mold maker may perform include: mold design, moldflow analysis, CNC machining, EDM machining, lather machining, milling machining, fitting, assembling and testing molds, and making modifications to improve mold performance to get final perfect mold, all of those jobs are down by the professional plastic mold maker. Plastic mold makers play a crucial role in the manufacturing industries.

Plastic Mold Maker

Plastic Mold Maker

What are the Benefits of Using a Plastic Mold Maker?

There are several benefits to using a plastic mold maker for your production needs.

Firstly, plastic mold makers can create highly precise plastic molds that meet your specific design requirements. This ensures that your final product is high quality and consistency, this will solve your problems.

Secondly, using a plastic mold maker can help reduce production costs in the long run. of course the initial plastic mold cost is high, once the initial mold is created, it can be used repeatedly to produce large quantities of plastic products, saving time and money on tooling and setup costs.

Additionally, plastic mold makers can help improve production efficiency by streamlining the manufacturing process. With custom molds, you can produce products at a faster rate and with less waste, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

Types of Plastic Molds

There are various kinds of plastic molds available, each pf them has special uses. We’ll look at a few of the most often used plastic mold types in the market.

Injection molds: The most common kind of plastic molds used in the business are injection molds. They are employed in the production of several plastic goods, such as household goods, electronic components, and vehicle parts. During the molding process, the two parts of an injection mold—a stationary half and a moving half—are clamped together. High pressure is used to inject molten plastic into the mold cavity, where it cools and hardens to take on the required shape.

Blow molds: Bottles, containers, and tanks are just a few examples of the hollow plastic goods made with blow molds. In order to get the plastic to expand and take on the shape of the mold, air is injected into a parison, which is a hollow tube filled with molten plastic, inside the mold cavity. Depending on the need, blow molds can be constructed from a variety of materials, such as steel, plastic, and aluminum.

Compression Molds: Compression molds are used to make plastic items with excellent precision and strength. A heated plastic sheet or pellet is inserted into the mold cavity, and it is compressed under intense pressure to take on the required shape. Compression molds are widely utilized in the production of intricately designed products with precise dimensions, such parts for automobiles and aircraft.

Rotational Molds: Also referred to as rotomolds, rotational molds are used to make huge, hollow plastic items like playground equipment, tanks, and containers. The procedure entails heating the mold chamber and turning it in two perpendicular directions so that the molten plastic coats the mold’s internal surface uniformly. Rotational molds are incredibly adaptable and can create intricate shapes with consistent wall thickness.

Thermoforming Molds: Clamshell containers, packaging trays, and disposable cups are examples of goods with thin plastic walls that are made using thermoforming molds. A thermoplastic sheet is heated until it becomes malleable, at which point it is formed over a mold cavity with the help of a mechanical plug or vacuum pressure. Molds for thermoforming are economical and appropriate for large-scale manufacturing.

Each type of custom plastic mold is suited to different types of industry and each has its own unique advantages and limitations. A plastic mold maker can help you choose the best mold according to your project, if you do not know what type of molds you should use, contact us for quote, we will offer you a suitable mold type to suit your project

What is the Process for Making a Plastic Mold?

The following steps are usually involved in creating a plastic mold:

Part design: the first step to make plastic mold is the part design, which means you need to have a part design which you want to have in a life for using or selling.
Prototype:  once yo have done the design, you need to test function and improve the design if necessary, so the 3D printing or CNC machining prototype may be need to to test the function until everything is good.
Mold Design: once the part design is approval then mold design should be started by plastic mold maker. This design will be used by the plastic mold maker to develop and manufacture a mold that precisely makes the required plastic part.
Machining: Next, using CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) machinery, the mold components made of metal or other materials are machined.
Assembly: The machined parts are then put together to create the mold. This could include fastening the components in place with bolts, welding, or other techniques.
Testing: To make sure the mold works well and creates the appropriate plastic part, it is put through testing. To improve performance, this can entail modifying or adjusting the mold’s component parts.
Finishing: The mold is completed to the necessary standards, which may involve coating, polishing, or other treatments to extend its useful life.
Qualification: The mold is qualified to guarantee that it satisfies the necessary requirements and can yield high-quality plastic components.

Making a plastic mold is a difficult operation that calls for accuracy, knowledge, and certain tools. A proficient plastic mold maker possesses the required expertise and abilities to guarantee the triumph of your plastic manufacturing procedure.

A fungus called mold grows on a variety of materials. Molds obtain energy by the consumption of other substances, in contrast to plants that obtain their nourishment from photosynthesis. For instance, if there is mold on your bread, it is probably eating the bread itself. In a similar vein, it’s possible that the wood and other components in the walls are the source of the mold.

There are a couple possibilities in particular that you should be thinking about if you’re interested in injection mold makers but don’t know where to look for them. You can be sure that you get the highest quality and value by selecting these specific injection mold maker firms over others, which is obviously very important to everyone.

Bring into Play the Use of Plastic Mold Makers:

The Plastic Mold Maker Resource is considered as being the Internet’s best source when it comes to information on machines and resins. The injection molding process and plastics industry have truly become an incredible, multi-billion dollar industry, and injection moulding has made possible the cheap and durable construction of various different consumer and industrial items which have had a profound impact on society.

They are a company whose goal is to educate both customers and engineers as much as possible by providing information regarding manufacturers, resins, materials, and anything else that is related to injection moulding.

The Equipment Used in Injection Molding:

Their products include mold waxes, polyvinyl alcohol or PVA film-forming barrier solutions and mold polishes and buffing compounds, and mold cleaners. What is good about these products is that most of them are environmentally friendly and only contains ingredients that are non-hazardous.

Injection Mold Makers is a method of molding in which the molding material is first placed in an open, heated mold cavity. The mold is then closed with a strong top force or plug member, and pressure is put on to force the material into contact with all of the mold areas, and then proper heat and pressure are maintained until the molding material has completely cured.

The Plastic Mold Maker process employs plastic resins in a partially cured stage, either in the form of granules, putty-like masses, or preforms. It is also important to understand that Plastic Mold Maker is an incredibly high volume, high-pressure molding method that is suitable for a variety of different purposes, including the molding of complex, high strength fiberglass reinforcement.

Sincere Tech, we are one of the top 10 best leading plastic mold companies in China. We offer wide range of custom plastic injection molds, die casting molds, metal parts, CNC machining and mold components. Through ongoing investments in research and development, we deliver cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of our customers. As one of the best injection mold suppliers in China, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence.

Quality is of the most importance to us, to make sure we make high quality molds, we will use CMM measuring machine to measure all of mold components, electrodes, and all of final molding parts, to make sure all of dimensions are under the tolerance, We will test the function of parts, materials to make sure that the final part will meet your requirements.

When you partner with Sincere Tech as your preferred China mold maker, you can expect the highest level of professionalism, expertise, and innovation. We are dedicated to helping you bring your ideas to life, delivering superior products that excel in performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness.

Our expanded capabilities include:

  1. Rapid Prototyping: We offer rapid prototyping services (3D printing or CNC machining prototypes) to quickly transform your rough design into useable prototypes, and testing, redesign suggestion etc.
  2. Precision CNC machining: Our advanced CNC machines enable us to create high-quality mold components with tight tolerances, this will ensure currently tolerance and precision in the injection-molded products.
  3. Overmolding: We make overmolding for some handle tools, some of overmoling are used in the die casting molds as well, contact for quote for your overmolding project.
  4. Insert Molding: insert molding is similar to overmolding but will be little different, insert molding normally use metal parts as substrate and overmolding use plastic part as substrate.
  5. Two-Shot Molding: With two-shot molding, we can produce complex, multi-material components in a single operation, reducing assembly requirements and enhancing design possibilities. Two shot molding is more complex than insert molding or overmolding, and two shot molding requires two shot injection molding machine.
  6. Value-Added Services: In addition to injection molding, die casting, and machining, we offer a range of value-added services, including product silk-screen, painting, assembly, testing, certificate, packaging, and logistics support, streamlining your supply chain and reducing costs.

Partner with Sincere Tech China mold maker for your custom injection molding, die casting and machining needs, we will offer you the best quality and fast lead time, contact us for quote in 24 hours.