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PPSU injection molding

PPSU LSG artificial knee joint components.

Advanced knee injuries or arthritis cause knee tissue damage, inflammation and terrifying pain. These conditions can disable you from flexing or extending your knees. As time proceeds, the damage on your knee joint and knee tissue can make it challenging to perform day to day activities. Knee joints damage can inhibit you from sitting or lying down. This calls for a knee replacement surgery to replace knee joints. One of the available artificial knee joint components is PPSU LSG.

PPSU, a plastics for medical plastic parts, is basically an abbreviation for polyphenylsulfone which is an amorphous high-performance thermoplastic. The medical grade PPSU is bone white in color and thus suitable for knee implant design. This material is used to manufacture artificial knee joint spacer components. LSG is also an abbreviation. It refers to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, a bariatric procedure which involves removing outer margins of an organ leaving a sleeve. This is a procedure undertaken to replace your knee with an artificial joint.

When it comes to choosing an artificial knee joint for your knee problem, you have to choose right. PPSU LSG knee joint components should be your first choice. Crafted from sterilized PPSU polymers, these joints are available in various knee implants designs. These will fit perfectly with your knee. Their durability and high impact resistance will ensure a strong knee after the knee joint is replaced.

This material possesses unlimited steam sterilization capabilities. This makes its sterilization easy and with these artificial knee joint spacer components, you will never acquire a bacterial infection. This is essential as other artificial knee joints have been associated with bacterial infections. Instead of improving your knee problem, it worsens. This can be completely averted by choosing PPSU knee joint spacer components.

You may ask yourself the advantages of using PPSUinjection molding parts as an artificial knee joint spacer component. Ask no more. This product has myriad advantages. These include:

High resistance against high energy radiation: This product has a very good resistance against high energy radiation. This includes gamma and x-rays. This property makes it possible for one to undergo x-ray examination. This will be undertaken without fear of damaging the knee joint and the artificial knee joint adoption by the knee can be monitored. This guarantees your safety when you use this artificial joints.

High operating temperature: Medical grade implants have to be heavily sterilized. PPSU has a high operating temperature that is 180 degrees. This allows it to be sterilized easily by repetitive steam sterilization. This is possible without deforming these artificial knee joints or shrinking them.

Highly rigid over a range of temperatures: This material has high rigidity over a wide range of temperatures. It is therefore durable and provides better functionality as compared to other knee implants.

Compatible with body tissue. This is crucial for knee joints. This material will not prevent regeneration of your body’s tissue. It also has a smooth design and will not scrape off regenerating tissue.

Other advantages include very high impact strength. This is important to prevent breakage of the knee joint implants. Good chemical compatibility will reduce the wear and tear caused by chemicals during the manufacture of this product. Good electrical insulating properties is key in avoiding lightning and other charge related complications.

If you need PPSU injection molding parts for your medical devices, we recommend you go to our medical plastic parts area, If you need some PPUS LSG artificial knee joint spacer components, please contact with us, we have over 40 version of this components to meet every size requirement.