Публикации от админ

Системы быстросменных U-образных рам MUD

MUD U Frame is A cost-effective approach to injection molding This MUD (Master Unit Die) Quick-Change systems was designed to reach the parallel challenges of increasing productivity and decreasing production costs. MUD Quick-Change U frame Systems are more frequently becoming a part of the operational strategies for many companies who employ lean mold manufacturing programs […]

Советы по проектированию ребер для деталей, изготовленных методом литья под давлением

Why need design ribs on the injection molded parts Injection molding technology is the most common manufacturing technology for producing high volume of plastics parts in the world. The purpose of these parts can range from a picture frame that is never touched to a gear that is used in a moving assembly every day. […]


Текстурирование поверхности формы

Are you looking for different mold texturing surface finishs on a plastic part cavity side? Plastic parts not only benefit from designs that are pleasing to the eye, but they also benefit from the way a product feels when handled. Depending on the application, you may want your plastic mold part to be as smooth […]

Литье под давлением в малых объемах

Soft Mold Low Volume Plastic injection molding In line with the history of the branch, since 1999, completely different companies have been providing innovative soft mold low volume quantity injection moulding solutions to numerous high profile organizations throughout a variety of industries throughout all of the continents. Undoubtedly the addition of low volume injection moulding […]

Расчет толщины детали

How to save injection molding cost by Part thickness design reduction By do the DFM (Design For Manufacturing) report and mold flow analysis to keep part thickness down to the minimum but having the same strength, we have reduced cooling times by as much as 31 seconds!  As you can see by the table below […]

Дефекты в виде утяжин

How to prevent Sink Marks defects in advance Sink marks defects are localized depressions in the surface of injection molded parts caused by a non uniform shrinking of the plastic during the cooling process. In cosmetically critical parts, they can be a serious problem. Sink marks are dependent on part geometry and material shrink rates. […]

Время заполнения формы

Mold Fill time is another name for melt front advancement. Our fill time animations provide the visualization of the part cavity filling before your very eyes!  As you can see from the animation, phenomena such as race tracking, weld lines formation and air trap formation are easy to visualize. Race tracking is when the plastic […]