TPE vs Silicona

TPE or Thermoplastic elastomers and Silicone are both elastomers i.e. they are polymers of rubbery material. They can recover their original shapes after being stretched to great extents. In this blog, we will discuss what is silicone and TPE materials. Moreover, we will also shed light on the main differences in the properties and uses of TPE and silicone.

What is TPE Material?

A thermoplastic elastomer is a flexible and rubber-like substance with plastic-like properties. It may be produced with a range of plastic production equipment such as injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding. TPE plastic material is a genuine thermoplastic that does not require vulcanization or curing. Thermoplastic elastomers are widely used in daily life. These materials are found in a variety of products, including consumer items, medical equipment, power tools, kitchenware, shoe insoles, and motorbike grips. TPE material can resist severe temperatures without warping or splitting.

Thermoplastic elastomers are tear-resistant yet soft to the touch. Material TPE is used in grips like those that are commonly found in exercise equipment. TPE is also easily colorable and can be found in products all around us. The soft grips on toothbrushes, dog chew toys, and handles on garden tools are additional examples of TPE applications. Got to Moldeo por inyección de TPE page to know more about TPE molded parts.

Material TPE

¿Qué es la silicona?

La silicona es una categoría amplia de fluidos, resinas y elastómeros. Las siliconas tienen una fórmula general de (R2SiO)x. Aquí, R puede representar cualquiera de varios grupos orgánicos. Sus características distintivas incluyen inercia química, resistencia al agua y a la oxidación. Además, son estables tanto a altas como a bajas temperaturas. Además, tienen un conjunto diverso de aplicaciones comerciales. Ir a Moldeo por inyección de silicona y ¿Es segura la silicona? para saber más.

Composition of TPE plastic

TPE plastic or Thermoplastic Rubber is a copolymer or a blend of polymers that mainly has the properties of rubber with the thermal processability of plastics. The composition usually includes:

  • Componente elastomérico: Es un tipo de red que ofrece flexibilidad y elasticidad a una red o sistema.
  • Componente termoplástico: Permite forjar y reforjar, fundir y refundir.

La proporción de estos se puede ajustar y los elastómeros comunes utilizados en los TPE son los copolímeros de bloque de estireno (SBC), las olefinas termoplásticas (TPO), los vulcanizados termoplásticos (TPV) y los poliuretanos termoplásticos (TPU).

Composición de la silicona

La silicona es un polímero sintético compuesto de silicio, oxígeno, carbono e hidrógeno con proporciones menores de otros elementos. Estos elementos pueden incluir calcio, titanio o aluminio. Su composición incluye:

  • Cadena principal de siloxano: Cadenas de átomos de silicio unidos a su vez con átomos de oxígeno.
  • Grupos secundarios orgánicos: Unido a los átomos de silicio, dependiendo del tipo real de silicona, que puede ser metilo, fenilo y otros.

¿Cuál es el rendimiento del producto TPE y silicona?

TPE and Silicone are two polymers and each has its properties and types of polymer to use depending on performance, price, and laws. So, here is the analysis of the product performance of both TPEs and silicone.

1. Elastómero termoplástico TPE:

  • Flexibilidad: Material fino, extremadamente flexible y muy suave.
  • Elasticidad: Muy flexible, recupera la forma original después de ser doblado o durante la flexión.
  • Procesabilidad: No biodegradables, fáciles de moldear y reciclar, más económicos que el metal y el vidrio, y se complementan perfectamente ya que ambos están asociados a los plásticos profesionales.
  • Adhesión: Puede interactuar fácilmente con otros termoplásticos y crear una buena unión.
  • Durabilidad: Un poco más bajo, pero aún más alto que el modelo sin silicona.

2. Silicona

  • Resistencia al calor: Resistente a altas temperaturas así como no sometido a ningún tipo de degradación.
  • Elasticidad: Permanece flexible a altas y bajas temperaturas, por lo tanto, se debe utilizar material más elástico.
  • Resistencia química: No se disuelven en agua, aceites y muchos productos químicos, además son impermeables.
  • Biocompatibilidad: Estable para uso medicinal y culinario.
  • Durabilidad: Muy resistente y de larga duración.

Moldeo por inyección de TPE

Properties of Both TPE vs Silicone Material

Propiedades TPE (elastómero termoplástico) Silicona
Flexibilidad Muy flexible Flexible pero más firme
Elasticidad Excelente Excelente
Resistencia al calor Hasta 120°C Hasta 250°C o más
Punto de fusión 170°C a 260°C No tiene un punto de fusión verdadero, permanece estable hasta 250 °C o más.
Resistencia química Moderado Excelente
Resistencia a los rayos UV Moderado Excelente
Durabilidad Bueno pero menos que la silicona. Muy alto
Biocompatibilidad Varía según el tipo Generalmente alto
Tratamiento Fácil de procesar y reciclar. Procesamiento más complejo
Costo Generalmente más bajo Más alto
Resistencia a la tracción 5-30 MPa 5-11 MPa
Alargamiento de rotura 200-800% 100-900%
Dureza (Shore A) 20-90 10-90
Resistencia al agua Moderado a alto Alto

When to Use TPE palstic material?

Use TPE material when;

  • El costo es un factor importante.
  • La resistencia a la temperatura es moderada para la mayoría de los productos.
  • Se requiere un proceso simple y reciclable.
  • El producto requiere material suave y flexible;

¿Cuándo utilizar silicona?

Utilice silicona cuando;

  • Es necesaria resistencia a altas temperaturas.
  • Una buena resistencia química y a los rayos UV es crucial.
  • Es necesario lograr estabilidad y seguridad a largo plazo.
  • El producto en cuestión es el más adecuado para su uso como producto médico o relacionado con la alimentación.

¿Formas de elegir los mejores materiales TPE?

A continuación se muestran algunas formas que le ayudarán a elegir el material TPE adecuado;

  • Requisitos de aplicación: Descubra los requisitos estratégicos de la aplicación que tiene en mente (por ejemplo, flexibilidad, dureza y resistencia a la temperatura).
  • Propiedades mecánicas: Se deben probar la resistencia a la tracción, el alargamiento y la resistencia al desgarro.
  • Resistencia ambiental: Tenga siempre en cuenta factores como la resistencia a los rayos UV, a los productos químicos y al calor.
  • Cumplimiento normativo: Facilitar el cumplimiento de las normas relacionadas (por ejemplo, FDA o REACH).
  • Método de procesamiento: Adapte el TPE a su proceso de fabricación (por ejemplo, moldeo por inyección, extrusión).

¿Formas de elegir los mejores materiales de silicona?

Los siguientes factores le ayudarán a comprender cómo elegir el mejor material de silicona.

  • Rango de temperatura: Elija una silicona que sea adecuada para los diferentes rangos de temperaturas en diferentes aplicaciones.
  • Exposición química: Considere la resistencia de la silicona a diferentes productos químicos.
  • Propiedades mecánicas: Determinar la dureza, la resistencia a la tracción y el alargamiento %.
  • Requisitos reglamentarios: Asegúrese de que la silicona cumpla con ciertos requisitos, como silicona de grado médico o silicona de grado alimenticio.
  • Propiedades especiales: Busque el aislamiento eléctrico y la transparencia del silicio. Además de esto, verifique también la estabilidad del color.

Piezas de moldeo de silicona

¿Es seguro utilizar elastómero termoplástico (TPE)?

El TPE se considera un material seguro en la medida en que no se somete a condiciones duras que puedan dañar la matriz de polímero. Las consideraciones de seguridad incluyen:

  • Biocompatibilidad: Los TPE son seguros e incluso buenos para aplicaciones médicas y de contacto con alimentos.
  • No toxicidad: La no toxicidad es la característica general de la mayoría de los TPE. Sin embargo, pueden incluir algunos aditivos peligrosos.
  • Cumplimiento normativo: Asegúrese de que los TEP cumplan con todos los estándares de cumplimiento y reglamentación.

Podrías mudarte a ¿Es seguro el TPE? page to know more about TPE material.

¿Es seguro utilizar silicona?

La silicona es generalmente segura para distintos usos en aplicaciones médicas y alimentarias. Las características de seguridad incluyen:

  • No reactivo e inerte: Este material no presenta problemas de compatibilidad química. No interactúa químicamente con la mayoría de las sustancias que entran en contacto con él. Lo hace directamente en contacto con los alimentos y la piel.
  • Biocompatibilidad: La silicona médica se utiliza en implantes y aplicaciones médicas.
  • Resistencia al calor y a los productos químicos: En condiciones extremas, la silicona conserva su estabilidad, lo que la considera segura.
  • Cumplimiento normativo: Asegúrese de que la silicona que está utilizando cumpla con todos los requisitos de seguridad.

Podrías mudarte a ¿Es segura la silicona? Página para saber más sobre el material TPU.

Diferencia entre TPE y Silicona

A continuación se muestran algunas diferencias importantes entre TPE y silicona.

1. Resistencia a la temperatura

La resistencia a la temperatura es una de las principales diferencias entre el TPE y la silicona. La silicona no tiene punto de fusión y es muy resistente al calor. Sus cualidades mecánicas no se degradan a temperaturas entre 200 y 450 °C.

TPE plastic melts between 260 and 320°C. It has a poorer heat resistance. Because of this, TPE material is appropriate for uses that require recyclability and flexibility. They are best for consumer goods, automotive parts, and medical equipment.

2. Resistencia química

The chemical resistance of silicone and TPE plastic is another difference. Silicone is impervious to the majority of chemicals, water, oxidation, and ozone. It cannot withstand steam, alkalis, acids, trichloroethylene, hydrocarbon fuels, or aromatic hydrocarbons. Because of this, silicone is appropriate for uses requiring a high degree of chemical stability, like insulation, kitchenware, and medical devices. Water, oils, greases, and some solvents are all resistant to TPE. Strong acids, bases, and oxidizing agents cannot break it. Because of this, TPE is appropriate for products that need a modest level of chemical stability.

3. Reciclabilidad

. Because silicone takes high temperatures and specific catalysts to break down its bonds. so, it is not easily recyclable. As a result, silicone is more expensive to dispose of and less environmentally friendly. TPE plastic can be melted and reformed several times without losing its quality. Hence, it is easily recyclable. Because of this, reusing TPE plastic material is less expensive and more environmentally beneficial.

4. Método de procesamiento

The fourth difference lies in the processing methods of silicone and TPE material. Processes for handling silicone include liquid injection molding, compression molding, extrusion, and injection molding. Because of this, processing silicone becomes costlier and more difficult. However, it is easy to process TPE.

5. Colores

Tanto el caucho de silicona como los TPE ofrecen una amplia gama de colores. El caucho de silicona suele ser translúcido cuando se utiliza como materia prima. Los colorantes utilizados durante la etapa de mezcla del proceso de fabricación pueden producir tonalidades. Pueden ser opacos, translúcidos o transparentes. Pero con los TPE se puede generar fácilmente una amplia gama de colores.

6. Geometría compleja

Silicone rubber fills extremely long, thin areas of a mold with ease and flows into molds with a range of wall thicknesses.  into a mold to guarantee full fill-out. When developing TPE plastic parts, it is better to radius all sharp corners and maintain as uniform a part wall thickness as feasible.

7. Sobremoldeo

Dado que el caucho de silicona se cura a altas temperaturas, se reduce la posibilidad de que el sustrato se derrita o se deforme. Los polímeros termoplásticos (TPE) sobremoldeados, cuando se eligen correctamente, producirán una conexión fuerte y cohesiva con el sustrato termoplástico sin el uso de imprimaciones o adhesivos.

8. Resistencia a los rayos UV

Un artículo transparente que se ha vuelto amarillo debido a la esterilización por rayos UV puede seguir funcionando perfectamente, pero aun así, a muchas personas les resultará inquietante. Como el caucho de silicona es naturalmente resistente a la luz ultravioleta, no se deteriorará con el sol. Por lo general, estos estabilizadores funcionan recogiendo selectivamente los rayos UV y luego liberando la energía en forma de calor a baja temperatura.

Entonces, en resumen, la siguiente tabla resumirá la principal diferencia entre TPE y silicona.


Característica TPE (elastómero termoplástico) Silicona
Tipo de material Es una mezcla de caucho y plástico. Es un tipo de polímero sintético.
Textura El TPE suele ser más suave y más flexible. Más firme y aún más elástico.
Durabilidad Es menos duradero y se puede romper fácilmente. Es más duradero y tiene mayor resistencia al desgarro.
Resistencia al calor Ofrece una menor resistencia al calor, por lo que puede derretirse. Ofrece alta resistencia al calor.
Limpieza Mucho más fácil de limpiar y contiene menos poros. Requiere más cuidados y tiene más poros.
Esperanza de vida Una vida útil más corta, por lo que puede degradarse con el tiempo. Mayor vida útil y aún más estable.
Costo Generalmente más barato que otros Más caro que el TPE
Hipoalergénico Menos probabilidades de ser hipoalergénico Generalmente hipoalergénico
Peso Más ligero de peso Más pesado en peso
Opciones de color Disponibilidad limitada, pero puede desaparecer. Disponible en una amplia gama de colores y color sólido.
Casos de uso Tiene muchas aplicaciones en la fabricación de juguetes, sellos y agarres. Muy utilizado para aplicaciones médicas, culinarias y de alta temperatura.

Material de silicona


In conclusion, there are certain parallels and variations between the properties and applications of silicone and TPE. Although silicone is highly resistant to heat and chemicals, recycling it requires complicated procedures  You can select either of the two materials based on your requirements and needs. In general, TPE is more flexible and leads to simple processing. it is a cost-effective solution for making different products at moderate temperatures. Besides this, it is recyclable and fits well with consumer goods. On the other hand, silicone has a high heat resistance and chemical stability. That is why, it can excel in high-temperature conditions. But this is a bit expensive and less flexible as compared to TPE material.

Preguntas frecuentes

P1. ¿Cuáles son las similitudes entre el TPE y la silicona?

TPE y Silicona Son similares en muchos aspectos, por ejemplo, ambos son elastómeros. Ambos ofrecen una flexibilidad similar a la del caucho y tienen numerosas aplicaciones en la fabricación de diferentes productos. Además, son más duraderos y se pueden personalizar para obtener propiedades específicas. Estas propiedades los hacen no tóxicos para un uso seguro en productos médicos y alimenticios.

P2. ¿Cuáles son las diferencias clave entre el TPE y la silicona?

Algunas de las propiedades del TPE son su facilidad de procesamiento, flexibilidad y un costo relativamente bajo. Sin embargo, no soporta altas temperaturas. La silicona es resistente al calor y a los químicos y se utiliza para altas temperaturas o usos rigurosos.

P3. ¿El TPE y la silicona son adecuados para uso médico?

Por supuesto que sí. TPE Se utiliza en aplicaciones médicas flexibles, como catéteres. La silicona se utiliza principalmente debido a su alta estabilidad térmica y biocompatibilidad para aplicaciones básicas en la industria médica.

juguetes de moldeo

What is plastic injection molding toys?

Plástico juguetes moldeados por inyección are plastic toys that are molded by plastic injection molding manufacturing technology. This Tecnología de moldes de plástico can produce millions of identical plastic molding toys with a high degree of precision and accuracy. To save the plastic toy unit cost, the injection molding process will be one of the best manufacturing methods produce a wide variety of plastic molding toys.  including those that are popular during the holiday season.

This process involves injecting molten plastic into a mold, where it is cooled and solidified into the desired shape. Injection molding is an efficient and cost-effective way to mass produce plastic toys, and it allows for a high level of customization and design flexibility.

As Christmas approaches, many parents and gift givers start to think about what toys they will be buying for the children in their lives. Plastic injection molding toys can be a great option for a number of reasons. Here are just a few:

  1. Durability: One of the biggest benefits of plastic injection molded toys is that they are extremely durable. Unlike toys made from other materials, such as fabric or paper, plastic toys can withstand rough play and accidental drops. This makes them a great choice for children who are known to be hard on their toys.
  2. Safety: Safety is always a top concern when it comes to children’s toys. Plastic injection molding toys are made with high-quality materials that are free of harmful chemicals and toxins. This means that they are safe for children to play with and handle.
  3. Variety: There is a virtually endless variety of plastic injection molded toys on the market. From action figures and dolls to educational toys and puzzles, there is something for every child’s interests and age group.
  4. Customization: Injection molding allows for a high level of customization when it comes to toy design. Companies can create custom molds for their toys, allowing them to create unique and one-of-a-kind items that stand out on store shelves.
  5. Affordability: Plastic injection molding toys are often more affordable than other types of toys. This makes them a great option for parents and gift givers who are working with a budget.

If you are considering purchasing plastic injection molded toys for the holidays, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

First, be sure to choose toys that are appropriate for the age and interests of the child you are buying for. It is also important to pay attention to any safety warnings or age recommendations that come with the toy.

In addition to these considerations, you may also want to think about the environmental impact of the toys you are purchasing. While plastic injection molded toys are durable and long-lasting, they can still end up in landfills if they are not properly disposed of. To help reduce waste and protect the environment, consider purchasing toys that are made from recycled materials or that can be easily recycled once they are no longer being used.

Important cost for injection molding toys.

Before making injection-molded toys, you need to have toy molds according to your custom toy design; this is the initial mold cost for your toy project. The plastic toy mold is made of metal and is divided into two parts: the moving half, known as the “cavity side,” and the fixed half, the “core side.”

The cost of injection molding toy molds depends on the toys size and design complexity and the number of toys you plan to make in one injection mold. The basic cost for injection molding toys will be around $500 to $10,000, or even more. You can go to the How Much Does an Injection Mold Cost page to know more about the cost of injection molds.

Once the toy mold is completely finished, fasten the toy mold into an injection molding machine, which we call the molding process, which heats plastic pellets in a hopper until they melt. The molten plastic is then pumped into the toy mold under high injection pressure, and as the plastic cools and hardens inside the mold cavity and core, it becomes the shape of the toy. After the plastic has cooled and become solid, the mold is opened and the toy is extracted.

This is a basic plastic molding procedure for toys that may be done several times to create multiple identical toys. Below is basic injection molding, in which the same process is used to produce the injection molding toys.

Basics of plastic injection molding procee for molding toys

The basics of moldeo por inyección de plástico involve melting the chosen thermoplastic down to a liquid state within a hopper, then injecting it into a mold until it is dry and is able to be popped out and sent on down the assembly line for painting, staining, or further assembly if it is a toy with numerous parts. It is also possible to insert numerous colors of plastic into the same mold so that no additional coloring process is necessary afterward, a tricky and impressive process that saves both time and money. Santa is a big fan of efficiency; particularly considering he delivers toys all in one night.

Not only are classic plastic toys produced by plastic injection molding processes but gifts that Santa would bring for teenagers and adults can also be partly produced by various injection molding processes. For example, electronic gadgets such as iPads have a plastic cover on them that would be quickly and easily mass-produced by way of plastic injection molding. Other items would include office supplies such as the bodies of pens, movie covers, pill bottles, make-up containers, and many other items that could all be given as gifts at Christmas.

Overall, plastic injection molded toys can be a great option for the holidays. They are durable, safe, and offer a wide variety of options for children of all ages. Just be sure to choose age-appropriate toys and consider their environmental impact when making your purchase.

If you are looking for any plastic molding toys or Plastic Christmas Toys for your business, send us your requirement for quotation, we offer you the best price for any of your custom Juguetes de plástico moldeado or Plastic Injection Molded Christmas Juguetes.

Juguetes de plástico moldeado

Juguetes de plástico moldeado

Are you having a challenge in finding plastic toy mold manufacturer to manufacture your juguetes moldeados por inyección?  This review is a guideline on how to find an injection molding toys manufacturer.

How to find a moldeo de plástico toys company?

If you are going to make some silicone toys or injection molding toys, the first thing you need to do is find injection molding toy factories.
Injection molding toys

Below there are three ways in which you can find toys mold/molding manufacturers;

Sourcing plastic molding toys factories online

There are so many websites that you can search and find plastic molding toy manufacturers online. As we are living in a digital world, finding a manufacturer is a click or a tap away. The suggestions online are very many, so you will choose one that serves you best and has good terms. First, you start by consulting them on the price they do manufacture. Then you will compare them all, and the best choice is to hire the one with a fair price or the lowest price.

plastic injection moulding toys

We made many type of plastic injection molded toys, contact us to get a quote now.

Moreover, the terms of the payment method are another factor to consider before you pick the manufacturer. You need to consider manufacturers whose terms and methods of payment are available and transparent to you.

After getting the price quotation, you need to ask the toy mold/molding manufacturer to send you samples of the work they have done before. Here, you will be trying to identify the one with unique and quality products. Quality is a key consideration, as you need a toy product that will last for a long time. Being unique is also a factor in avoiding monotony and commonness.

Finally, you need to know the minimum order quantity of manufacture so as to identify if the plastic toy manufacturer is within the boundaries of your order. Some manufacturers’s minimum order quantity is way too high for you to meet it. This is the easiest and most convenient way.

Find a professional plastic molding toy source agent.

Another way to find a plastic molding toys mold manufacturer is by finding a professional source agent. The agents mostly have information on suggestions based on years of experience according to your specifications and requirements.

What the agents do is act as an intermediary between you and the manufacturer. You give them your quotation and the specific requirements you need, and they will recommend you manufacture from their wide source of information and experience.

The agents do all the work for you by sourcing the injection molding toys manufacturers for you and linking you to the manufacturers. After the professional agent sources the manufacturer, they will advise you on the best way to make payment and get your products delivered to you within the specified period.

The only problem with this is that there will be an additional fee for the professional source agent. Again, they can recommend a manufacturer who will not deliver quality work, as they act as brokers between you and the manufacturer. This is a way to find manufacturers by those who are busy and committed to finding them by themselves. I assume everyone would rather deal with the business directly with the plastic molding toys company to save cost, but this is still an idea.

Buscando proveedores de moldes to make injection-molded toys for you? Contact us to get a quote for your injection-molded toys.

By attending an exhibition to find a plastic injection molding toys factory

Attending a plastic injection molding toys exhibition can help you find a toy manufacturer. The method is very convenient, as you get to see the sample the manufacturer has made and the price they do offer. Additionally, you get a chance to talk face-to-face with different manufacturers and interact on a personal level.

You could ask them about the quality of the product and why their toys product is better than others in the market over the competitors. Here at the exhibition, you gain more knowledge about the product and get to decide which manufacturer to choose, considering their product quality, price, duration of manufacturing, minimum order quantity, and method of payment.

The best thing about attending an exhibition is that you can find a Juguetes de plástico moldeado manufacturer who is giving a commission and save yourself some money. Attending an exhibition gives you a chance to ask for a recommendation from professionals who have no business interest in the product. Attending an exhibition is the best way to find a manufacturer to manufacture your toys at affordable prices with the best quality and offers.


Apart from these three ways, there is another way to find an injection plastic molding toy factory, where you ask for a recommendation from people who are in the same business. The challenge with this is that some recommendations can be biased depending on personal or business interests. You can also ask for recommendations from your friends.

The most recommendable way is to source online or ask for a recommendation from your friends.

Sincere Tech es uno de los 10 mejores injection molding toys companies in China that makes lots of Juguetes de plástico moldeado y silicone toys for toy companies. Some of these plastic injection-molded toys include custom plastic building blocks toys, car molding toys, train mold toys, plastic roof toys, plastic lifter toys, plastic doll toys, etc.

If you are looking for contract injection molding toys factories from China to make your plastic molding toys or silicone toys, contact us to get a price. We will solve your issue from toy design, prototype, massive production, assembly, and packing, all in one-stop service.