
Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung, ein vollständiger Überblick

Die Nickel-Zink-Beschichtung gehört zu den weit verbreiteten Beschichtungsmethoden in der Automobil-, Elektronik- und anderen Industrien. Außerdem bietet es einen hohen Korrosionsschutz und eine lange Lebensdauer. Angesichts der steigenden Anforderungen an den Schutz von Metallen in aggressiven Umgebungen werden Zink-Nickel-Beschichtungen wegen ihrer wertvollen Eigenschaften sehr geschätzt. In diesem Artikel wird erklärt, was eine Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung ist, wie sie durchgeführt werden kann, welche Vorteile diese Art der Beschichtung bietet und wodurch sie sich von einer Verzinkung unterscheidet.

Was ist eine Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung?

Die Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung ist ein Oberflächenveredelungsverfahren, bei dem eine Schicht aus einer Zink-Nickel-Legierung auf eine bestimmte Oberfläche aufgebracht wird. Sie besteht normalerweise aus 85 - 93% Zink und 7 - 15 % Nickel. Darüber hinaus übertrifft es die normale Verzinkung in Bezug auf den Korrosionsschutz, weshalb das Produkt für zahlreiche Anwendungen nützlich ist. Dazu gehören die Luft- und Raumfahrt, die Automobilindustrie und die Herstellung von Schwermaschinen. Zink-Nickel-Beschichtungen werden verwendet, wenn ein Objekt in einer rauen Umgebung funktioniert, in der es starker Korrosion oder starken Temperaturschwankungen ausgesetzt ist.

Was ist der Hauptunterschied zwischen Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung und Zinkbeschichtung?

Verzinkung und Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung unterscheiden sich durch ihre Zusammensetzung. Daher haben sie auch unterschiedliche Verfahren und Anwendungen in zahlreichen Branchen. Lassen Sie uns die Hauptunterschiede zwischen ihnen erkunden; erfahren Sie mehr über Vernickelung.



Besonderheit Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung Verzinkung
Zusammensetzung 85-93% Zink, 7-15% Nickel 100% Zink
Korrosionsbeständigkeit Bis zu 1000 Stunden (ASTM B117) 72-200 Stunden (ASTM B117)
Dicke der Beschichtung 8-20 Mikrometer 5-12 Mikrometer
Temp. widerstand Bis zu 120°C (248°F) Bis zu 70°C (158°F)
Härte 350-400 HV (Vickers) 70-120 HV (Vickers)
Verschleißfestigkeit Exzellent Mäßig
Erscheinungsbild Hell, matt, verschiedene Farben Silber, gelb, blau
Umweltresistenz Hoch (Salzwasser, Chemikalien) Mäßig
Kosten Höher Untere
Anwendungen Automobilindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Marine Befestigungselemente, Bolzen, allgemeine Eisenwaren

Verschiedene Arten der Zink-Nickel-Beschichtungstechniken

Hier sind also verschiedene Techniken, die wir für die Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung verwenden können;

1. Galvanik

Hier tauchen wir das Substrat in eine Zink-Nickel-Elektrolytlösung und leiten einen elektrischen Strom in die Lösung. So kann die Zink-Nickel-Legierung auf der Metalloberfläche abgeschieden und die Schichtdicke genau gesteuert werden. Sie können gehen zu Kunststoffverchromung Seite, um mehr über das Galvanisierungsverfahren für Kunststoffprodukte zu erfahren.

Zinc Nickel Plating process

2. Trommelbeschichtung

Diese Technik ist ideal für kleine Teile und beinhaltet die Platzierung der Komponenten in einer rotierenden Trommel, die mit Beschichtungslösung gefüllt ist. Die Taumelbewegung gewährleistet eine gleichmäßige Bedeckung der Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung auf allen Oberflächen. Das macht es effizient für die Großserienproduktion.

3. Gestellplattierung

Bei größeren oder komplexen Teilen werden die Teile sicher auf Gestellen befestigt, die in die Beschichtungslösung getaucht werden. Diese Methode ermöglicht eine bessere Kontrolle und dickere Beschichtungen. Außerdem ist es für Anwendungen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt sowie in der Automobilindustrie sehr gut geeignet.

Zinc Nickel Plating factory

4. Impuls-Beschichtung

Eine fortschrittliche Technik, bei der während der Galvanisierung Wechselstromimpulse verwendet werden. Dies verbessert die Beschichtungsqualität und die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit, da sich die Abscheidungsrate genauer steuern lässt. Daher ist es ideal für komplizierte Designs.

5. Kontinuierliche Beschichtung

Ein Produktionsverfahren für hohe Stückzahlen, bei dem die Teile kontinuierlich durch eine Beschichtungsanlage geführt werden. Dieser Ansatz maximiert die Effizienz und gewährleistet eine gleichmäßige Beschichtung, wie sie in der Automobilherstellung verwendet wird.

6. Immersionsplattieren

Dabei werden die Teile ohne elektrischen Strom in eine Zink-Nickel-Lösung getaucht. Diese weniger verbreitete Methode beruht auf den chemischen Eigenschaften der Lösung, um die Legierung abzuscheiden, und wird häufig als Vorbehandlungsschritt eingesetzt.

Vollständiger Prozess der Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung

Die folgenden Schritte sind entscheidend, um eine gleichmäßige und starke Zink-Nickel-Schicht, gute Haftung und Korrosion sowie eine verschleißfeste Oberfläche zu erreichen.

Zinc Nickel Plating company

1. Vorbereitung der Oberfläche

Der erste Prozess bei der Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung ist die sorgfältige Vorbereitung der Metalloberfläche für die Behandlung, um eine gute Haftung der Oberflächenbeschichtung zu erreichen. Verunreinigungen wie Schmutz, Öl, Fett und Rost werden unter anderem durch folgende Techniken entfernt:

  • Entfetten: Dabei werden entweder Lösungsmittel oder alkalische Reiniger verwendet, um die Öle und Fette abzuwaschen.
  • Saure Reinigung: Dies hilft bei der Entfernung von Rost oder Oxiden von der Oberfläche, d. h. vom Metall.
  • Abrasivstrahlen: Bei hartnäckigen Verunreinigungen wird eine raue Oberfläche durch Strahlen aufgebracht, um Korrosion oder Ablagerungen zu beseitigen.

2. Freischaltung

Das Metall wird in Säure getaucht, was die Oberfläche wieder reinigt, da möglicherweise noch eine Oxidschicht vorhanden ist. Dadurch wird die chemische Reaktivität der Oberfläche verbessert, so dass sich eine starke Verbindung zwischen der Oberfläche und der galvanischen Zink-Nickel-Schicht bildet.

Zinc Nickel Plating equipment

3. Galvanik

Hier wird das aktivierte Metall in ein galvanisches Bad getaucht, das eine Zink-Nickel-Elektrolytlösung enthält. Bei der Elektrolyse wird ein elektrischer Strom über eine Kathode durch das Bad geleitet, der die Zink- und Nickel-Ionen anzieht und an der Oberfläche des Metalls anhaftet. Dies führt zur Bildung einer gleichmäßigen Schutzschicht aus einer Zink-Nickel-Legierung auf der Oberfläche des Metalls, die neben dem Korrosionsschutz auch eine längere Lebensdauer gewährleistet.

4. Nach der Behandlung

Nach der Galvanisierung erfolgt eine Nachbehandlung, um die Qualität der auf dem Substrat gebildeten Abscheidung zu verbessern. Dazu können gehören:

  • Passivierung: Bei diesem Verfahren wird auch eine sehr dünne Zinkschicht aufgebracht, die die Korrosion verhindert.
  • Chromatin: Es ist eine der regelmäßigen Behandlungen, die die Korrosionsschutzeigenschaften der Beschichtung sowie ihr Aussehen verbessern; es ist in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich.
  • Versiegelnde Beschichtung: Schließlich kann eine Deckschicht verwendet werden, um die Haltbarkeit der Beschichtung zu erhöhen, insbesondere bei Beschichtungen, die in sehr korrosiven Umgebungen eingesetzt werden.

Werkzeuge für die Verzinkung von Metallen

Nachfolgend finden Sie die Namen der verschiedenen Tools und ihre ausführliche Beschreibung;

Zinc Nickel Plating components

  • Galvanisierbad: Ein Gefäß, in dem die Zink-Nickel-Beschichtungslösung gelagert wird und in das das zu beschichtende Substrat eingetaucht wird.
  • Stromversorgung: Ein Wechselstrom-Gleichstrom-Wandler oder ein Netzgerät, das den richtigen Strom für die Galvanisierung liefert.
  • Anoden: Anoden aus Zink oder einer Zinklegierung werden im Beschichtungsbad eingesetzt und verteilen die Metallionen für den Beschichtungsprozess.
  • Kathoden: Bei der Galvanisierung nimmt das zu beschichtende Substrat die reduzierende Stelle der Halbzelle ein oder fungiert als Kathode.
  • pH-Meter: Ein Element, das zur Messung des pH-Werts der Galvanisierungslösung verwendet wird, da dieser einen direkten Einfluss auf die Qualität der Galvanisierung hat.
  • Heizelemente: Wurde früher zur Steuerung der erforderlichen Temperatur der Galvanisierungslösung verwendet, um die entsprechende Abscheidungsrate zu erreichen.
  • Agitationsausrüstung: Spezielle Entladungsdüsen oder mechanische Rührwerke, die die Lösung im Beschichtungsbad in Bewegung halten, um eine gleichmäßige Metallabscheidung und eine gleichmäßige Verteilung der Beschichtungsmetallionen zu erreichen.
  • Reinigungsgeräte: Geräte wie Ultraschallreiniger, Bürsten oder Strahlkabinen, die die allgemeine Vorbereitungsfläche vor dem Beschichtungsprozess bilden.
  • Prüfgeräte: Geräte wie Dickenmesser und Salzsprühnebeltester, die die Dicke bzw. die Korrosionsfähigkeit der beschichteten Oberfläche messen.

Spezifikationen von Hochzink-Nickel-Legierungen

Die Korrosionsbeständigkeit von Zink-Nickel-Legierungen mit einem höheren Ni-Gehalt ist sogar noch besser als die der oben genannten Legierungen. Hochzink-Nickel-Legierungen werden in Industrien verwendet, die eine maximale Beständigkeit erfordern, wie z. B. bei Offshore-Ölbohrgeräten und anderen militärischen Anwendungen.


Parameter Spezifikation
Härte 350-400 HV
Nickelgehalt 7-15%
Dicke 8-20 Mikrometer
Anwendungen Automobilindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Marine
Korrosionsbeständigkeit Bis zu 1000 Stunden (ASTM B117)
Zinkgehalt 85-93%
Oberfläche Hell, matt, chromatiert
Temp. widerstand Bis 120°C

Was ist die Farbe der Verzinkung?

Die tatsächliche Verzinkung kann jede beliebige Farbe haben, die durch die Nachbehandlung des verzinkten Gegenstandes bestimmt wird. Zu den üblichen Farben gehören:

Zinc Nickel Plating supplier

  • Klar: Glänzende silberne Oberfläche.
  • Gelb: Eine orange Farbe, die in der Regel nach einer Chromatierungsbehandlung entsteht.
  • Black: Addition of black chromate which increases its corrosion ability.
  • Olive Drab: A dull green color for industrial applications.

What is the major difference between Chrome Plating vs. Zinc-Nickel Plating

The following table concisely describes the major comparison aspects of chrome plating and zinc-nickel plating;

Zinc Nickel Plating metal parts

Besonderheit Chrome Plating Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung
Zusammensetzung Primarily Chromium 85-93% Zink, 7-15% Nickel
Korrosionsbeständigkeit Moderate (up to 200-500 hours) Superior (up to 1000 hours, ASTM B117)
Dicke der Beschichtung Typically 0.5-10 microns 8-20 Mikrometer
Härte Very hard (800-1000 HV) Hard (350-400 HV)
Erscheinungsbild Bright, mirror-like finish Bright, matte, or colored finishes
Verschleißfestigkeit Excellent (high durability and scratch resistance) Excellent (good durability and wear resistance)
Umweltresistenz Good, but prone to pitting in extreme environments High, resistant to saltwater and chemicals
Kosten Higher due to chromium and finishing Mäßig
Anwendungen Decorative (automotive trim, tools), industrial (pistons, molds) Automobilindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Marine
Umweltauswirkungen Toxic chemicals, strict regulations More environmentally friendly

Advantages of Zinc Nickel Plating

The following are the different pros/merits of Zinc-Nickel Plating;

  1. High corrosion resistance.
  2. Better resistance to the effects of the climate and other unfriendly conditions.
  3. High heat resistance.
  4. Better adhesion properties.
  5. It can be used in conjunction with many post-treatments such as passivation or application of chromate coating.

Disadvantages of Zinc Nickel Plating

Here are some of the limitations of Zinc Nickel plating;

  • The major disadvantage is the relatively higher cost of practicing the electroless nickel plating than the typical zinc plating.
  • It takes more time and, above all, needs an experienced crew at the helm.
  • This information is not freely available in different regions.
  • Possible adverse effects of nickel on the environment.
  • It demands a special discharging way of plating bath waste.

Applications of Zinc nickel plating

By considering the numerous benefits of zinc nickel plating. Let’s explore the different applications of zinc-nickel plating in various industries;

Zinc Nickel Plating products

  • Automotive Components: This application resists oxidation in highly humid conditions.
  • Aerospace Parts: Serves as a shield against severe atmospheric factors.
  • Marine Equipment: High levels of standard of resistance to salt water corrosion.
  • Elektronik: It is used to coat connectors and fasteners to provide a protective layer.
  • Heavy Machinery: It offers protection to parts that have to undergo abrasive procedures.

Why Is Zinc-Nickel Resistant to Corrosion?

Due to its rich nickel content, Zinc-Nickel plating hardens to develop a shelter for the base metal from the corrosive factors. This alloy forms a shield that resists chemical solutions, salty water, and rough climate, a reason why it is popular with industries with corrosive characteristics.

Why Zinc Nickel Should Be Used and How to Coat Zinc Nickel Correctly?

Zinc-nickel plating is suitable in cases where one would expect the regular coating solutions to deteriorate as a result of corrosion. To make use of zinc-nickel effectively, then the surface treatment and the electroplating processes have to be done carefully. The electroplating bath must be carefully maintained, the current value must be properly controlled, and protective post-treatments used properly. So, you can achieve a high finish and long-lasting protection.

Zinc Nickel Plated parts

Choose Sincere Tech for Zinc Plating

If you ever search for the right service provider for zinc plating near me or zinc nickel plating services from China. You should go with experts who ensure the right quality of the finishes. Contact Sincere Tech within your area which deals in zinc or zinc nickel that is well-reviewed and adheres to industrial standards. Besides this, you must trust our furnisher to specialize in various plating processes, particularly zinc-nickel for enhanced corrosion protection.

Wir gehören zu den Top 10 Unternehmen für Kunststoff-Spritzguss in China, we offer all in one services from design, prototype, testing, Plastikform manufacturing, die casting making, production, surface finish, assmebly and delivery, we offer many types of surface finish like zinc plating, nickel plasting, painting, slick screen ,and so on.


In conclusion, zinc-nickel plating offers a strong poster for industries requiring robust anticorrosive apps. It has high-impact performance in unfriendly environments, other than that it is more durable, and can be produced in various color variants that may suit a particular manufacturer. While deciding between your standard zinc plating, and going with the advanced features of zinc-nickel allows for better considerations of application and process.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

What are the differences between zinc plating and zinc nickel plating?

Compared to just zinc plating, zinc-nickel plating has combined better corrosion resistance by as much as 7-10 times superior.

What is the general use of zinc-nickel plating?

High corrosion protection, increased heat resistance, and stability of material under severe process conditions.

Can zinc-nickel plate be applied on every given type of metal?

Optimal results are achieved on steel and iron but the method can be used in other types of metal if they have been properly pre-treated.

Which industries use zinc-nickel plating?

This plating is widely used in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, and marine industry.

What is the durability of zinc-nickel plating?

When maintained properly and applied correctly, zinc-nickel plating can work for many years, and even in certain rough environments.


eloxiertes Aluminium Farbe

Anodized aluminum is valued for its properties, corrosion resistance, and gleaming finish. Besides this, anodized aluminum is incredible because it can be colored during the anodizing process. So, there are colorful varieties of aluminum for use. In this article, you will learn all about the anodized aluminum colors including the anodizing color chart, the type of anodizing colors, costs, and more.

What is Anodized Aluminum?

Anodized aluminum goes through an electrochemical treatment to develop a harder, thicker, and more decorative skin with a color coating. This process forms a layer on the surface of the metal comprising aluminum oxides and enables the formation of a colored dye layer. So, the aluminum is dyed in various colors.

What is Color Anodized Aluminum?

This is a procedure of giving color to aluminum during the anodizing process of aluminum. Aluminum can thus be anodically colored in almost any shade up to black, gold, bronze, and any primary color of the rainbow. The final layer produced is opaque and permeable, thus enabling the formation of a dye or metallic salt for a durable color.

anodized aluminum colors

Complete Process of Anodized Aluminum Coloring

The aluminum coloring process of anodizing uses several stages to improve the naturally forming oxide layer on the aluminum surface, resulting in increased hardness level, capability of sporting a shade, and corrosion resistance.

1. Cleaning and Pre-Treatment

Anodizing requires the aluminum surface to be cleaned thoroughly to remove oils, dirt, and other extra material over the surface. This step helps minimize anodizing defects that may be on the surface of the aluminum product to achieve the best finish. Pre-treatment methods include:

  • Alkaline cleaning: Cleans the surface and destroys the effect of grease, oils, and other surface films.
  • Etching: The aluminum is immersed in a concentration of sodium hydroxide to reduce the surface roughness of the piece’s surface to give the piece a flat dull appearance. This step assists in enhancing the formation surface for anodizing.

2. Desmutting

When the etching is complete, there will always be some sort of aluminum smut on the surface to be cleaned off. The smut can be removed by desmutting bath often nitric or sulfuric acid enables a smooth finish that does not have the smut. This step is important for alloy purposes as copper and silicon since they scar the structure after etching.

aluminum anodizing manufacturer

3. Electrolytic oxidation or anodizing

Here the aluminum is submerged in an acid electrolyte solution preferred to sulfuric acid (Type II anodizing). It allows electric current to be passed through a solution where the aluminum is an anode and the cathode is usually lead or aluminum.

Furthermore, the electrochemical process enables oxygen ions from electrolytes to come and deposit on the aluminum surface and form an aluminum oxide layer that is thick and porous. The anodic layer is:

  • Porous: Enables dyeing or Coloring.
  • Corrosion-resistant: It is much more resistant than aluminum that has not been treated.
  • Controlled in thickness: Thickness depends upon the anodizing parameters. It can vary from 0.5 to 25 microns for decorative anodizing and hard anodizing is up to 150 microns.

aluminum anodizing company

4. Coloring

After anodizing forms the porous aluminum oxide layer on the surface it is ready to be coloured. There are several methods for introducing color during the anodizing process:

aluminum anodizing supplier

A. Integral Coloring

This is a method in which color can be introduced in the process of anodizing aluminum. The color develops the oxidation reaction concerning the organic acids and metallic salts. Integral coloring comes up with deeper and more metallic, i.e. bronze, black, and gold.

B. Electrolytic Coloring: Two-Step Process

Anodized aluminum is submerged in an electrolyte bath, i.e. metallic salt that contains tin, cobalt, or nickel after the anodizing process. Then it allows the current to pass through the solution and helps deposit the metallic particles into the pores of the oxide layer. So, it can create colors host, ranging from bronze, and black to champagne.

C. Organic Dyeing

In this process, the anodized aluminum is immersed right into a colored bathtub that enters the pores of the oxide layer. The range of color can be achieved when dyeing is broad. It provides conspicuous colors, i.e. blue, red, green, yellow, and many other colors. It seeps into the pores when anodizing is being done to give a deep and uniform color

D. Interference Coloring

Interference coloring is more complex since it includes the deposition of metallic oxides into the anodized surface to produce an active layer where light wave interferes. This results in iridescent or metallic effects with deeper colorations of gold, blue, or green such as that of the interference pattern.

5. Sealing

Finally, their surface is sealed with a clear sealant in order to close the pores of the anodized aluminum. Sealing can be done using several methods:

  • Hot Water Sealing: The most frequent procedure is to heat the colored anodized aluminum in boiling water, which is about 95°C – 100°C. The heat results in the opening up of pores to take in moisture but once this water is taken into the pores they expand and close hence no further corrosion or harm to the colored surface.
  • Cold Sealing: This is the process of placing the anodized aluminum into a bath with an option for using nickel fluoride or cobalt salts. This is however faster but comparatively costly and this yields a slightly dissimilar surface texture.
  • Mid-temperature Sealing: Combination of hot and cold sealing techniques which results in better control in the final look of the anodized surface.

Sealing also lowers the ability of the aluminum to wear out, fade from the effects of the UV light, or decline from other external factors thus allowing the color to last longer.

6. Rinsing and Drying

After sealing, the anodized aluminum is washed with clean water and dried completely. After wash, the surface must be properly dried to avoid having water stains or marks on the finished surface.

Different Techniques We Can Use to Color the Anodized Aluminum

Here are the main techniques to color anodized aluminum:

aluminum anodized colors

  • Integral Coloring: In anodizing, color depends on organic acids or metallic salts used during the process. It creates colors such as bronze and black but mostly gives dark metallic shades.
  • Electrolytic Coloring: One anodizing process in which metal dyes such as tin or cobalt are deposited on the anodized layer that produces colors, i.e. bronze, black, and champagne.
  • Organic Dyeing: Anodized aluminum can be immersed in a dye bath, resulting in a selection of bright colors including; red, blue, and green.
  • Interference Coloring: Metallic oxides are precipitated with a range of interference colors, i.e. gold, blue, and green.
  • Combination Coloring: This may include dyeing and special electrode methods, i.e. electro-coloring to effect preferred or multilayered hues.

Can the Colour of Anodized Aluminium be Changed?

Yes, anodized aluminum can be refinished and subsequently given a new color. But, to do that, the first strip off the existing anodized coat. This is mostly achieved through chemical stripping, mechanical sanding, and re-anodizing aluminum. However, this causes a problem with the material mechanical properties and is utilized only when necessary.

Acids Used to Color of Anodize Aluminium

Several acids are used to color anodized aluminum, each with its benefits:

  • Sulfuric Acid (Type II): The most commonly used anodizing acid that covers virtually all the anodizing colors and accompanying uses.
  • Chromic Acid (Type I): Recognized for specifying a slender yet, anti-corrosive oxide layer is applied in aerospace engineering.
  • Phosphoric Acid: Useful for application in bright dipping process for decorative coatings.
  • Organic Acids: Good for attaining particular shades and lusters using sulfuric acid.
  • Oxalic Acid: Famous for painting automobiles in yellow or gold.

Key Considerations When Choosing an Anodized Aluminum Color

When you’re choosing an anodized aluminum color, consider the following:

  1. Anwendung: Where will aluminum be utilized? If you are using it outdoors, UV stability is required.
  2. Haltbarkeit: Type III anodizing may not be sufficient for ‘rugged’ applications and a harder surface might require type 50 anodizing or other types of anodizing.
  3. Aesthetic Appeal: The color should harmonize with the design and branding is associated with the specific product.
  4. Environmental Exposure: Lighting and climate play an essential role in the fading of the color.
  5. Kosten: They are different in price because the anodizing process is different or one of the colors is used less often.

What to Do If the Anodized Part’s Color Isn’t What You Expected?

If you want to reverse color on anodized aluminum, there is a way for you to do this the first is by using chemical etching solutions which could help strip the anodized layer. For the other method, you’re allowed to mechanically rub the surface so that the raw aluminum can show through in a non-smooth manner. The anodized layer is removed from the aluminum and then the aluminum can again be anodized in the color, preferred.

aluminum anodizing colors

Benefits of Coloring Anodized Aluminum

The following are the pros of anodized aluminum coloring.

  1. Haltbarkeit: These coatings provide better protection from corrosive elements and better protection from scratches.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Most often have a variety of colors and finishes.
  3. UV Resistance: Green and other colored fabrics do not readily develop and fade when exposed to the sunlight
  4. Environmentally Friendly: Anodizing also has fewer toxic chemicals than in painting It is also a better way of protecting aluminum surfaces.
  5. Increased Surface Hardness: Anodized aluminum as we know is harder tested than normal aluminum.

Drawbacks of Coloring Anodized Aluminum

The following are the cons of anodized aluminum coloring

  • Kosten: Color anodizing is costly compared to simple anodizing.
  • Limited Color Palette: This can be a challenge depending on the color needed, or wanting a bright white or certain light shade of a color.
  • Surface Irregularities: A few imperfections present on the aluminum can get amplified after anodizing has been done.
  • Potential for Color Variations: Batches may come in slightly different colors.
  • Complex Removal: When undertaken, re-anodizing takes some time and is also detrimental to the surface of the aluminum part.

Different Types of Aluminum Anodizing Coloring

The following are the different types of Aluminum Anodizing;

  1. Natural/Clear Anodizing: Retains the appearance of aluminum with improved durability, go to clear anodized aluminum Seite, um mehr zu erfahren.
  2. Bronze Anodizing: Often used for architectural projects its appearance has a rich metal reflection.
  3. Black Anodizing: It has characteristics of electronic gadgets and automobile parts offering a trendy outlook, go to black anodized aluminum page to know more about this black anodizing color.
  4. Bright Anodizing: Usually accomplished by a blazing dipping method and provides a brilliant or luminously reflective surface.
  5. Two-Step Anodizing: Comprises anodizing of the aluminum then dyeing and sealing the material resulting in a colorful list of colors.

There is only a few of them but not limited to those colors, any color can be anodized on the aluminum parts, if you have aluminum part that needs special anodizing surface finish, you can contact us.

What is the cost of Anodized Aluminum?

The cost of anodized aluminum varies according to the kind of anodizing done, the size of the aluminum part, and the color. On average, anodizing will set you between $2 and $10 per square foot, for custom colors and finishes, costs increase.

color anodized aluminum

Anodized Aluminum Coloring Chart with Estimated Cost

So, here is the Anodized Aluminum Coloring chart along with estimated costs;


Farbe Application Cost Range (Per Sq. Ft.)
Natural (Clear) Industrial, Automotive, Construction $2 – $5
Black Electronics, Automotive, Aerospace $3 – $6
Bronze Architectural, Consumer Products $4 – $7
Gold Jewelry, Decorative Hardware, Architecture $5 – $8
Red Consumer Electronics, Automotive $4 – $7
Blue Aerospace, Marine, Consumer Goods $4 – $7
Green Military, Outdoor Equipment $5 – $8
Custom Colors High-end Consumer Goods, Design Elements Varies (depending on complexity)

Applications of Anodized Aluminum Coloring

So, here are some of the important applications of anodized aluminum coloring in different industries;

  1. Architecture: Applied in door and window sills, curtain walling, and decorative strips.
  2. Automobilindustrie: Anodized aluminum is widely used as a trim and exterior part
  3. Elektronik: Anodized colors are incorporated in devices such as telephones and computers.
  4. Luft- und Raumfahrt: Utilized as a design feature and element for operational use in planes.
  5. Konsumgüter: Anodized aluminum can be used in most home products for example clothing irons, utensils, and home facilities like tables and chairs.


In conclusion, anodized aluminum represents high durability, and versatility and allows any color that can be commercially useful in different fields. Knowledge of the anodizing process, the various colors, and the factors to consider in color selection will be useful in getting the right job done. So, this article gives a complete guide to anodized aluminum colors.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Q1. Some claim that anodization can be done at home, is it true?

Yes, it needs specific tools and other things to do it right and make it look good.

Q2. How long do Anodized aluminum products last?

Without sealing, anodized aluminum can serve about 20 to 30 years without fading its color and corrosion.

Q3. Is this anodizing method environmentally friendly?

Anodizing is however believed to be more environmentally friendly than all other coating processes because of the least toxic chemicals it utilizes.

Q4. Can anodized aluminum be welded?

Yes, but the anodized layer needs to be guarded before the beginning of welding, and the layer might need reestablishment after the welding.

Q5. Can I paint over anodized aluminum?

Yes, but before painting, the surface of the material that is to be painted has to be cleaned well and etched.

Oberflächenfinish beim Kunststoff-Spritzguss

Was ist Oberflächenbeschaffenheit beim Spritzgießen

Injection modlign surface finish is the post surface finish process added to the plastic injection molded parts, those include painting, silk-screen, chrome plating, pad printing, thermal transfer printing,water transfer printing, laser engraving, and so on, all of those addtional process we call surface finish process.

When you start a custom plastic injection molding project, at first you need a plastic mold to produce plastic molding parts, after that you may have additional options for your plastic parts, like some secondary process to your plastic molding parts, these secondary processes need to add on after molding.Oberflächenfinish beim Kunststoff-Spritzguss


There are some of the Oberflächenfinish beim Kunststoff-Spritzguss to the molded plastic parts, this will make the plastic injection molding parts look better, or have more information or special surface finished requirement, before doing this you need to know each type of secondary process, to make sure if those process can meet your requirement, let us discuss below some of the most popular secondary processes which will be used to the injection molding parts.

We are not only offering Plastikform/molding service but also offer additional, value-added services to support you get your molded parts finished, assembled, packaged, and shipped directly to your storage house, then you can sort them on the market directly.

Plastic injection molding surface finish include:


If it is needed to print or pattern on the surface of plastic products, there will be several ways as follows.
1. Siebdruck
This Method is the most common and used method, which is generally suitable for printing with a small plane or radian.
2. Surface Printing
Principle of Curved Surface Printing
Curved surface printing is to first place the printing ink into the intaglio engraved with characters or patterns, copy the characters or patterns onto the curved surface later, transfer the characters or patterns onto the surface of the molded product by using the curved surface, and finally solidify the printing ink by means of heat treatment or ultraviolet light irradiation.
Process of Curved Surface Printing:

A. Debinding of shaped products
B. Surface treatment of molded products (if necessary)
C. Printing
D. Curing process of the printing ink
E. After-treatment such as excessive coating (if necessary)
Simple Process of printing as below
A. To put the printing ink into the intaglio
B. To scrape off excessive printing ink
C. To extrude the curved surface to obtain the printing ink
D. To transfer the printing ink with the curved surface to the surface of the molded product
E. To clean the curved surface and layout (if necessary)


The figure or pattern is printed on a rubber plate or rubber-covered roll by the plate first, and then it is transferred to the surface of injection mold parts on the rubber plate or rubber-covered roll.
Advantages: Several colors can be applied in one operation.
Disadvantages: Low productivity, inability to obtain stronger opaque marks, how to select the appropriate rubber plate or rubber-covered roll and oil quantity first, etc.


It relates to a method for manufacturing colorful package embossed patterns or fonts on the surface of the injection mold parts by using colorful foil and a hot mold engraved with patterns or fonts under the control of temperature and pressure. Its operation only needs to apply pressure to the required area of the product through the colorful foil by using the hot mold arranged on a fixed press machine.


The most common methods for surface treatment (color) of plastic products can be divided into:

A. For a common coloring, this kind of paint is mostly sprayed by hand and does not have strong friction resistance and is easy to drop.

B. For Grade PU gloss oil, this method is to spray a layer of PU gloss oil on the surface to achieve friction resistance and gloss after drying the primer. Many surfaces of general household appliances or daily necessities are treated with PU.

C. UV-grade gloss oil This method sprays a layer of UV gloss oil on the surface after the primer is sprayed, and the gloss, the hand feels and friction resistance can all achieve very ideal effects. This method is commonly used for mobile phone mould products and communication mould products.

Electroplating (Chrome plating)

Plastic Electroplating (Plastic Chrome plating) is just called the process of depositing metal or alloy on the surface of a workpiece by electrolysis to form a uniform, dense and well-bonded metal layer. Its simple understanding is a change or combination of physics and chemistry.


Chrome plating, Electroplating

Purpose of plastic molding electroplating:
a. Corrosion protection
b. Protective decoration
c. Abrasion resistance
d. Electrical performance: It is provided the coating with conductive or insulating performance according to the working requirements of parts.
e. technological requirements

It is relatively complicated for the process of forming a uniform, dense and well-bonded metal or alloy deposits on the surface of the workpiece by electrolysis, but it has many advantages such as more types of metals deposited, various colors available and relatively lower price compared with similar processes. Go to Kunststoffverchromung page to know more about this injection molding surface finish.

Cause of Failure Processing method
Insufficient material feed for mold To increase feed
Insufficient amount of melted material Be an appropriate feeding and a moderate increase of back pressure
Injection pressure is too low To increase the process of melting glue metering stroke
Holding pressure is too small To increase injection pressure
Injection time is too short To increase injection time
Die Einspritzgeschwindigkeit ist zu langsam To increase the firing rate
Unbalance gate size To adjust the size or position of the mold entrance equally
Blockage of nozzle To make demolition and cleaning
Material temperature is too high To reduce the material temperature
Incorrect mold temperature To adjust the appropriate mold temperature
Insufficient cooling time To increase the cooling time
Poor exhaust (venting) To arrange an exhaust hole at the shrinkage part.
The material barrel is too large To replace the smaller gauge material barrel
Abrasion of Screw Non-return valve To make demolition and overhaul
Uneven wall thickness in the part design To increase injection pressure

If you have any platic injection molding project in hand that needs make molds and injection molding surface finish service, you are welcome to contact us. We are one of top 10 plastic Spritzgussunternehmen in China that offer custom injection molding and surface finish for molded parts, we will offer you the best price in 24 hours.