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benutzerdefinierte Kaffeetassen Hersteller

Custom coffee cups market have increased due to consumers’ need to have their own unique and branded cups. Personalized coffee cups help people and companies build their personal and company brands as well as advertise. These are key areas where manufacturers come in, to offer customized solutions to meet certain appearance and performance standards. What […]

Benutzerdefinierte Acryl-Box Hersteller

Custom Acrylic Box and containers have received a lot of attention in storage, display, and transportation activities. The capability to be adjusted in size, shape, and color is a feature that makes solutions unique for their users. What is the benefit of having an acrylic box designed more specifically for your item rather than purchasing […]

Lebensmittelgeeigneter Kunststoff

7 Types of Food-Grade and Food-Safe Plastics As far as food safety is concerned, information concerning packaging and storage materials is important. Not all plastics are safe for food contact. So, it is crucial to learn about food-safe plastics. Some insights on making the right choice can go a long way in improving both health […]

Wie viel kostet Spritzguss?

Injection molding is a common name for plastic part manufacturing. This process injects molten plastic into a mold to create different shapes of plastic. The process is easy to understand but very complex technology, it must be a professional molding factory to handle all of those jobs. However, the cost associated with this method may […]


Acetal injection molding or POM injection molding parts manufacturered from Polyoxymethylene (POM), a highly processed thermoplastic material. POM can take a homopolymer or copolymer acetal form. Homopolymer acetal exhibits high strength because of its crystalline structure. However, it can be problematic as a result of the highly specific melting point. Copolymer acetal is easier to […]

Nylon 6/6 vs. Nylon 6 vs. Nylon 12

Nylon finds it’s into everyday life. It was first created in 1935 by Wallace Carothers of DuPont company for use in making women’s stockings instead of silk. But it just took off during World War II and people started using it for different purposes. Nylon was Initially used in parachutes, truck tires, tents, and fuel […]


Zink-Nickel-Beschichtung, ein vollständiger Überblick Die Vernickelung gehört zu den weit verbreiteten Beschichtungsverfahren in der Automobil-, Elektronik- und anderen Branchen. Darüber hinaus ist sie äußerst wirksam und bietet hohe Korrosionsschutzeigenschaften und eine höhere Haltbarkeit. Angesichts der zunehmenden Anforderungen an den Schutz von Metallen unter eher aggressiven Bedingungen werden Zink-Nickel-Beschichtungen sehr geschätzt […]

Eloxierte Aluminiumfarben

Anodized aluminum is valued for its properties, corrosion resistance, and gleaming finish. Besides this, anodized aluminum is incredible because it can be colored during the anodizing process. So, there are colorful varieties of aluminum for use. In this article, you will learn all about the anodized aluminum colors including the anodizing color chart, the type […]

Messing vs. Bronze vs. Kupfer

Messing vs. Bronze vs. Kupfer: Welches Metall ist das richtige für Sie? Die am häufigsten für CNC-Bearbeitung und -Konstruktion verwendeten Metalle sind Messing, Bronze und Kupfer. Sie besitzen gute Verarbeitungseigenschaften und sind harte Technologien. Obwohl diese Metalle ähnlich aussehen und ähnliche chemische Eigenschaften haben, hat jedes von ihnen einige Vorteile, abhängig von den Haupteigenschaften und […]