Hvad er inert støbning
Indsæt støbning, also known as metal insert molding or overstøbning, is a manufacturing technology that produces pre-formed plastic parts. It is a type of overmolding where the substrate is inserts rather than plastic parts. Before molding, the insert is inserted into an injection overmold, creating a single final product that combines a single molding part with inserts. The insert, which can be made of metals, ceramics, copper screws, or other plastic or metal materials, is inserted in a mold cavity before being injected with plastic resin.
If the inserts are constructed of plastic or molded plastic pieces, we call this overmolding, whereas the first shot of the plastic insert part is referred to as the substrate. If the inserts consist of metal, we will refer to the process as Støbning af metalindsats.
Many industries on the global market, including electronics, automotive, furniture, and many more, use insert molding extensively to reduce assembly costs for parts that require extreme strength, durability, and precision. Insert molding can produce complex plastic products with different insert materials or components in a single molding process, eliminating the need for separate assembly steps and lowering production costs.
In addition, Indsatsstøbning can increase part quality and reliability by forming a strong link between the insert and the plastic resin. We call this metal brass Indsatsstøbning or screw insert molding when we insert metal screws and plastics into a molded part or when we mold different brass screws or materials into a single molding part.
Custom insert molding not only lowers assembly and labor costs, but it also outperforms assembly parts by reducing the size and weight of the part, enhancing component reliability, and delivering improved part strength and structure with enhanced design flexibility.
Today, over 90% of insert molded parts come from Kinesiske virksomheder, der fremstiller støbeforme, where low labor costs and high-quality control are significant factors. They can assemble and ship your final parts from China.
Vi har været professionelle inden for fremstilling af plastforme i over 18 år med et stærkt ingeniørteam, et team af formbyggere og et produktionsteam til kvalitetskontrol.
We can handle your project from start to finish, regardless of whether it involves normal injection molding, 2K injection molding, specialfremstillet indsatsstøbning, medical plastic inejction molding, metal insert molding, automobile industrial molding, cosmetic injection molding parts, home appliances injection molding, certificate, produktsamlingstjenester, and product packing. if you have an insert molding project in hand that is looking for a professional injection molding company, welcome to send us your project, we will quote you a price in 24 hours.
Processen med indsatsstøbning
Den Indsatsstøbning process starts off by either inserting the metal inserts before the injection molding process (normally used technology) or they can be inserted after the injection molding process (pressed in). An insert molding process operator or a robotic arm will load the inserts into the mold if you choose to insert them before the plastic injection molding process.
Hvis man vælger at indsætte metalindsatserne efter plastsprøjtestøbningsprocessen, kan det være nødvendigt med nogle presseværktøjer efter plastsprøjtestøbningen. sprøjtestøbningsproces er færdig, og delen er afkølet. Derefter presses gevindindsatserne ind i hullet eller den hule boss. Der findes to typer indstøbning: kold indstøbning og varm indstøbning.
Simply put, cold pressed Indsatsstøbning presses a cold metal screw or other insert into the hole position, while hot pressed insert moulding inserts a hot metal insert into the hole position and cools the metal part. Both types of molding process necessitate an interference fit between the diameter of the hole and the metal insert.
Typically, Indsatsstøbning integrates the insert into the mold prior to the injection molding process, which is its primary benefit. Everything we discuss below pertains to this process, which we can refer to as insert injection molding or overmolding.
Denne procedure reducerer ideelt set indsætningsomkostningerne, hvilket kan spare vores kunder for betydelige omkostninger på insert molding-projekter. Hvis du vil vide mere om sprøjtestøbning af indsatser, kan du gå til sprøjtestøbning af indsats side for mere information.
In the context of the insert molding process, the use of a robotic arm for part handling can yield significant benefits. When it comes to removing the molded parts and getting them ready for more processes, a multiple-axis robot can do that faster and more accurately than a human. After the molded part is created and ejected from the mold, the robot grips the part and moves it to either a location to be held or onto a system to be inspected. The general layout of the manufacturing equipment and the type of product under creation determine this decision.
In order to assure a high level of quality for many parts that go through Indsatsstøbning, robots can have vision systems mounted on them. These vision systems inspect parts faster than humans and know exactly what the metal component’s placement accuracy is.
Several industries thrive on the products created through the insert moulding process. Indeed, this type of custom injection insert molding process produces a wide range of products.
Køb af indstøbning fra en kineser sprøjtestøbeform virksomhed will save a lot of money since the labor costs are low in China. Below is the plastic injection molding part that is created through this type of custom insert molding process. This is the brass insert molding part, which has more than 20 metal screws molded together with the PC plastic material.
Insert Molding vs. Overmolding
Insert molding is a sort of overmolding; nevertheless, there are also few differences between insert molding and overmolding. Below, we have listed some of the most important differences between overmolding and insert molding.
Indsæt støbning:
Insert molding is a process that involves placing a pre-formed part, which is often made of metal or plastic, into the cavity of the mold. After that, molten plastic is injected around the pre-formed portion to make a single part. When the insert is incorporated into the component, it ends up supplying the component with mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, or other particular characteristics.
This molding manufacturing process is commonly used for manufacturing items like threaded fasteners, electrical connectors, and tools.
Insert molding, typically, only one material is injected in this process, with the insert providing functionality.
In the overmolding process, a second plastic material is put on top of a base plastic part. Injection molding tools are also used to make the base plastic part. The first part, called the substrate, is usually rigid, and the second part, called the overmold, is usually softer or more flexible. For example, a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is poured over the substrate to make it more comfortable, flexible, or nice-looking.
Overmolding is a process that is usually used for plastic parts that need to be bonded to other materials, like soft-touch grips or seals.
Key Difference:
Insert molding normally incorporates a hard insert into the molded part, whereas overmolding process involves adding a layer of material over an existing substrate for added features like flexibility or texture.
Insert molding costs.
There are some factors that affect insert molding costs.
Prisen på indsatsen bestemmer den første komponent. Man kan lave indsatser af mange forskellige støbematerialer, f.eks. plast som ABS, PC eller PA og metalindsatser som stål eller aluminium. Det anvendte materiale, indsatsens størrelse og kompleksitet og den nødvendige mængde vil alt sammen påvirke prisen på indsatserne. Hvis man fremstiller 100 indsatse i modsætning til 1000 metalindsatse, vil det resultere i en markant anderledes pris pr. enhed.
The cost of the insert mold contributes significantly to the total cost of Indsatsstøbning. The mold plays a crucial role in the injection molding process since it defines the finished part’s shape and characteristics. This initial cost will exceed the unit cost; if you plan to manufacture thousands of parts, creating insert molds will be beneficial. If the insert is made of plastic by injection molding technology, then we may call it overmolding. This will require two molds, one for the first plastic parts and one for overmolding, which will increase the initial mold cost.
En anden væsentlig faktor i omkostningerne til sprøjtestøbning af indsatser er arbejdskraft. Sammenlignet med standardsprøjtestøbning kræver sprøjtestøbning af indsatser mere arbejde, da operatørerne manuelt skal placere indsatserne i formen før hvert skud. Det øger cykeltiden og de manuelle omkostninger.
Hvis du rådfører dig med en professionel sprøjtestøbeproducent, får du et præcist overslag over omkostningerne ved sprøjtestøbning af indsatser. De kan evaluere dine specifikke projektkrav og give en detaljeret omkostningsanalyse baseret på 3D-data og -specifikationer, spildprocent og produktionsmængde. Det vil hjælpe dig med at træffe en informeret beslutning og afgøre, om insert-sprøjtestøbning er det rigtige valg til dit projekt. Du er velkommen til at sende os dit projekt om sprøjtestøbning af indsatser, så giver vi dig en pris inden for 24 timer.
Nedenfor er nogle af de specialfremstillede sprøjtestøbte dele vi har lavet før. Hvis du har et projekt, der har brug for messingindsatslister, overstøbning, or any metal sprøjtestøbning af indsats, send us your requirements for a quotation.
Fordele ved indsatsstøbning
En ekstremt effektiv erstatning for konventionelle teknikker til at samle indsatsstykker med klæbemidler, forbindelser, svejsning, lodning eller fastgørelseselementer er sprøjtestøbning af indsatsstykker. Der er mange fordele ved denne banebrydende metode, som i høj grad kan forbedre effektiviteten og kvaliteten af dine støbte komponenter. Nedenfor er nogle af fordelene ved sprøjtestøbning af indsatser i forhold til traditionel sprøjtestøbning.
Reduktion af de endelige støbte dele
The smaller molding pieces produced by insert molding are among its main benefits. Compared to conventional assembly techniques, this sprøjtestøbning af indsats process creates smaller pieces by molding metal inserts with plastic during the molding process. This shrinkage enhances the overall performance of the molding process in addition to saving material costs. Additionally, a significant reduction in the parts’ weight enhances both performance and cost-effectiveness.
Reducerede udgifter til arbejdskraft og montering
Indsatsstøbning reducerer ikke kun størrelsen, men sænker også arbejds- og monteringsomkostningerne betydeligt. I modsætning til arbejdskrævende, traditionelle samlingsmetoder i flere trin integrerer indsætningssprøjtestøbning to eller flere elementer i en enkelt støbning i et enkelt skud. Denne effektive metode reducerer arbejds- og monteringsomkostningerne betydeligt. Komplekse monteringsprocedurer er ikke nødvendige, fordi alt, hvad der kræves af en medarbejder under produktionsprocessen, er blot at placere metalemnet i formen. Desuden er et enkelt skud perfekt til komplicerede indsatsstøbte dele, da det kan forme en eller flere indsatser.
Forbedret troværdighed
Den øgede pålidelighed, som insert molding giver, er endnu en bemærkelsesværdig fordel. Indsatsstøbningsprocessen sikrer en stærk og langtidsholdbar binding ved at støbe hver komponent tæt i termoplast. Det forhindrer almindelige problemer i samleprocessen, som f.eks. at delene løsner sig, at de ikke passer sammen, og at de ikke passer sammen. Brugen af plastharpiks i støbeprocessen øger yderligere delenes modstandsdygtighed over for stress og vibrationer og forbedrer dermed deres pålidelighed og holdbarhed.
Øget fleksibilitet i designet
Insert molding makes it simple for designers to think about how those parts should be assembled together. By eliminating the need to think about how to assemble pieces or attach metal and plastic components together, designers can save time and focus on other aspects of the design. This special molding process simplifies the solution to numerous design problems.
Lavere udgifter til sprøjtestøbning og øget produktivitet
Indsatsstøbning hjælper med at forbedre effektiviteten og sænke de samlede omkostninger til sprøjtestøbning. Operatørerne kan have svært ved at indstille indsatserne under støbningen, især hvis de arbejder med små eller mange metalstykker, der er tilbøjelige til at falde ned. På den anden side øger brugen af vertikale sprøjtestøbemaskiner i høj grad produktiviteten, sparer tid og mindsker risikoen for tabte eller forkert placerede indsatser. Det er med til at reducere omkostningerne ved sprøjtestøbning, samtidig med at støbeprocessens samlede effektivitet forbedres.
Hvis du har en indsats Støbning project in hand, contact us to get a price. We have been in this field for over 18 years, specializing in custom insert molding. We are experts at providing Indsatsstøbning services that are tailored to each individual client’s needs.
Da alle projekter er forskellige, er Sincere Tech en af de 10 bedste producenter af støbeforme i Kina and provides a variety of specialfremstillet indsatsstøbning options to meet the specific requirements of each of our clients. To guarantee that we offer the highest quality insert mold and any other custom injection mold, we have skilled mold makers that operate with cutting-edge machinery.
Vores tjenester til indsatsstøbning are excellent and reasonably priced. In order to maintain cheap prices while producing high-quality insert injection molding goods, we employ cutting-edge technology. This enables us to offer low pricing to our clients without sacrificing quality.